Q4 2022

New features and improvements introduced from October to December 2022

Builder SQL Analyses available for PostgreSQL connections

December 29, 2022

New Builder

Customers relying on PostgreSQL and PostGIS for their geospatial data will now be able to create and execute analyses directly from Builder.

These analyses are created as dynamically generated SQL queries that are pushed down to a PostgreSQL database through a CARTO connection.

The result can be visualized, used as input for another step of the analysis, or persisted into a new table.

Additional options to configure the creation of isolines in the Analytics Toolbox

December 27, 2022

Improvement Analytics Toolbox

In the last release of the Analytics Toolbox for BigQuery, Snowflake and Redshift we have added the possibility to configure more options as parameters when executing the functions to CREATE_ISOLINES. These new options, which depend on the LDS service provider, allow the user to configure more transportation modes such as truck or bike, the possibility of specifying departure or arrival times allowing the creation of reverse isolines, and other options like different routing modes. Additionally, we have added new confidence/relevance metadata to the results of the geocoding function GEOCODE_TABLE.

Importing geospatial files into PostgreSQL databases through CARTO Workspace

December 27, 2022

Improvement Workspace

CARTO Workspace now supports importing geospatial files through a PostgreSQL connection leveraging CARTO Import API.

With this new functionality, CARTO users working with a PostgreSQL database will be able to get their geospatial data ready for advanced analysis and visualization in Builder and CARTO for deck.gl.

New function to identify similar locations, such as merchants or stores, based on the characteristics of their trade areas in the Analytics Toolbox for BigQuery

December 27, 2022

Beta Analytics Toolbox

We have released within the cpg module of the Analytics Toolbox for BigQuery a new function named FIND_SIMILAR_LOCATIONS that allows users to identify which locations (e.g. merchants, stores) are more similar to a chosen location (e.g. top performant) based on the characteristics of their surrounding areas (or trade areas), which can be configured to be based on demographic features, environmental, nearby points of interest, footfall, etc. In this example we illustrate how to use this new analysis function to solve the aforementioned use-case.

Improvements for Google BigQuery connections: re-connect and billing project

December 5, 2022

Improvement Workspace

We’ve improved some scenarios for users who created a Google BigQuery connection:

  • Now CARTO should behave smoothly when your credentials (Service Account or OAuth) have access to more than 2000 projects. You should be able to select any of them as your billing project, and the Data Explorer will also let you explore all of them in a quick search.

  • Now it’s possible to repair Google OAuth connections. Before, if you connected using “Sign in with Google” (often referred as OAuth), this connection could break after this authorization is revoked. This could happen automatically after changing your password, for example. Using the new re-connect flow will authorize CARTO again in the same connection, so all your maps will continue working as usual.

Assisted process to install the Analytics Toolbox for Snowflake from the CARTO Workspace

November 29, 2022

Beta Analytics Toolbox

Today we are making available the option for Admin users to install the Analytics Toolbox in their Snowflake accounts with a simplified process assisted by the CARTO UI.

From the Settings section of the CARTO Workspace users can now install, update and uninstall the Analytics Toolbox for Snowflake without external support. All details for setting up your Snowflake resources and to carry out the installation process can be found in our documentation.

Announcing CARTO for React 1.4.7

November 18, 2022

New Developer Tools

A new version of CARTO for React has been released with the following main highlights:

  • Support for parameterized queries. Now, a user can define queries that allow for external parameters to be injected into the query and create more powerful dynamic queries without having to modify the SQL; this, will result in filtering being applied from the backend side to the sources and will be reflected in layers and widgets. For more information, a guide has been included in our documentation and can be accessed here.

  • Several bug fixes.

Batch simulation of locations in Site Selection application

November 15, 2022

New Applications

Batch simulation of candidate locations is now possible in the Site Selection application. Instead of simulating locations one by one, users can now use a CSV template to upload in bulk the location details of their candidates. They can subsequently edit and remove their locations in the application as they see fit before running a batch simulation.

This feature enables users to process in bulk lists of candidate locations often provided by separate research teams, rather than one by one.

Feature importance widget for revenue predictions in Site Selection application

November 15, 2022

New Applications

Users can now explore the impact of the revenue prediction model features directly through the Site Selection application.

For each simulated location and associated predicted revenue, the widget showcases the magnitude of the impact of the features included in the model (i.e. population, mobility, POIs, etc.), as well as whether they contribute to predictions positively or negatively.

Logarithmic scales in Builder

November 15, 2022

New Builder

Logarithmic scales are now available as a data classification option in Builder.

While they’re available for all kind of sources, a logarithmic scales based on powers of 10 will be the default option for aggregated data sources.

This new addition will make it easier to create better cartography when working with spatial indexes, as well as a handy additional method of classification for other types of maps.

Geocoding, Isolines and Tokens quotas now available for tracking in Workspace

November 7, 2022

Improvement Workspace

Following the release of geocoding and isolines for Google BigQuery, and the new layout for the Settings, we’re adding new trackers for quotas in Workspace so users can understand and predict their consumption.

  1. We added a new “CARTO for Developers” section, including:

    • Existing quota: Applications, for applications created using Workspace

    • A new quota: Tokens, for tokens generated using the Tokens API

  2. We also added a new “Location Data Services” section, including tracking for Geocoding and Isolines operations. These quotas are reset every month, and each unit represents a row processed.

  3. Finally, the “Connections” quota was removed, and will be gradually removed so users can create as many connections as needed without any warnings.

Resolution selector and aggregation methods for categorical data in spatial index layers

November 7, 2022

New Builder

Users working with Spatial Indexes data (Quadbin or H3) in Builder have a couple of new additions that will help them create better and more insightful visualizations:

  • The possibility of adjusting the aggregation resolution for a finer control over the aggregation.

  • Aggregation operations for categories: MODE to get the most frequent category in the aggregated cells; ANY VALUE to get any of the aggregated categories.

Visualize very large datasets based on H3 thanks to our support for spatial index tilesets in Databricks

October 27, 2022

New Analytics Toolbox

Starting today, our Databricks users have the possibility to generate spatial index tilesets based on H3 natively in Databricks.

The tiler is a module of our advanced Analytics Toolbox for Databricks that allows to process and visualize very large spatial datasets stored in Databricks. If you are interested in it, please contact with support@carto.com to receive more information about it.

Data Enrichment functions in the Analytics Toolbox for AWS Redshift

October 25, 2022

New Analytics Toolbox

Users can now enrich their data tables in Amazon Redshift with features from both their Data Observatory subscriptions and from their other 1st party data tables.

Procedures for Data Enrichment are now included in the Data module of the Analytics Toolbox for Redshift, specific for working with point data, polygons or spatial indexes. Please check out our documentation to find all the details and examples.

Improvements and new design in login and signup

October 18, 2022

Improvement Workspace

Continuing our efforts to improve our sign up and login processes, we’re now launching a new experience. Users should be able to join CARTO in a more smooth way with these new additions:

  • A screen now will offer users the chance to create a new organization or join an existing one if there are users from the same domain.

  • The list of organizations to join now has details about the users, the plan and a search bar to find the desired organization.

  • When you request to join an organization you can now cancel that request (if it was undesired or the admin is unresponsive).

  • When following an invitation the signup form will now be already pre-filled.

  • The process to join an organization is now simpler with less steps.

  • Multiple bug fixes and minor improvements.

Leverage CARTO’s Analytics Toolbox and visualize data natively from your data warehouse without leaving your Python notebook

October 18, 2022

Beta Analytics Toolbox

CARTO now provides a set of Python packages to allow data scientists to work with our platform from within Python notebooks. These packages allow users to work with geospatial data in a fully cloud native way without having to leave their Python environment, and taking advantage of all the potential that Analytics Toolbox provides to execute advanced spatial analytics in Spatial SQL natively within the leading cloud data warehouse platforms.

Multiple editor users working on the same map

October 18, 2022

Private Beta Builder

Update January 13th, 2023: this feature is now in General Availability and it's available to all CARTO cloud users. Read all details here.

Collaborating on CARTO maps is finally possible, in asynchronous mode. This is helpful in setups such as production-ready maps, where the original owner might be out of the office; or in situations where the data, analysis, and cartography are each accomplished by different users.

Spatial Index and Point Aggregation tilesets available from Data Explorer

October 13, 2022

New Workspace

Starting today, it is available to all users the possibility of generating both Spatial Index and Point Aggregation tilesets on their own data tables directly from the Data Explorer UI. This feature complements the existing workflow, with the possibility of generating tilesets of large datasets based on spatial index (H3 and quadbin) and points, by defining aggregations on the interested features. The platform detects automatically if the table is based on spatial indexes or points and provides the new options in the “Create Tileset” wizard.

New filter to select date ranges in your temporal data when creating maps in Builder

October 11, 2022

New Builder

We have just added a new exciting component to Builder. The new Date Filter allows you to reduce the size of a data source by selecting a specific time range from a date or timestamp column in your data.

It is available for dynamically tiled data sources, which basically means tables bigger than 30MB and Custom SQL queries. Find more information about data source sizes here.

When dealing with temporal series it is very common to find overlapping points, repeated geometries or spatial indexes… which make the analysis and visualization of the data cumbersome and difficult to visualize. This new component lets the user select a specific time range to filter their data, making all these problems easier to work around.

This new filter actually pushes down a SQL filter, which reduces the amount of data processed and transferred, while the Time-Series widget allows filtering the data when it has already been loaded in the browser. They can play very well together, using the filter to pre-select a time range to work with, and the Time-Series widget for finer client-side filtering, visualizing the series, animations, etc

As an Editor, you can decide whether or not to include the Date selector in the public map. This allows deeper data exploration for viewer and public users.

New analytical functions to run Customer Segmentation use-cases for the CPG industry

October 6, 2022

Beta Analytics Toolbox

We have released in beta a new domain-specific module in the Analytics Toolbox for BigQuery to solve advanced geospatial analysis for the CPG / FMCG sector, starting with customer segmentation. We now offer a set of procedures that allow users in that industry to solve this use-case end-to-end, from the generation of trade areas to running multiple segmentation scenarios of merchants based on a customisable set of spatial features. In this recent blogpost we showcase how to use these analytical routines with a specific example.

Last updated

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