Data Enrichment

Components to enrich your data with variables from other data sources. These components work for simple features and spatial indexes grids.

Enrich H3 Grid


This component enriches a target table with data from a source. Enriching here means adding columns with aggregated data from the source that matches the target geographies.

  • The target, (which is the upper input connection of this component), must have a column that contains H3 indices, which will be used to join with the source.

  • The source (lower input connection) can be either a CARTO Data Observatory subscription or table (or result from other component) with a geography column.

For the enrichment operation the CARTO Analytics Toolbox is required, and one of the following procedures will be called:

  • DATAOBS_ENRICH_GRID if the source is a Data Observatory subscription

  • ENRICH_GRID otherwise


  • Target geo column: it's the column of the target that will be used to join with the source and select the rows that will be aggregated for each target row.

  • Source geo column: (only necessary for non-DO sources) is the column of the source that will join with the target.

  • Variables: this allows selecting the data from the source that will be aggregated and added to the target.

    • For Data Observatory subscriptions, the variables can be selected from the DO variables of the subscription, identified by their variable slug;

    • for other sources they are the columns in the source table.

    Each variable added must be assigned an aggregation method. You can add the same variable with different aggregation methods. At the moment only numeric variables are supported.

For spatially smoothed enrichments that take into account the surrounding cells, use the following input parameters:

  • Kring size: size of the k-ring where the decay function will be applied. This value can be 0, in which case no k-ring will be computed and the decay function won't be applied.

  • Decay function: decay function to aggregate and smooth the data. Supported values are uniform, inverse, inverse_square and exponential.


  • Result table [Table]

Enrich Points


This component enriches a target table with data from a source. Enriching here means adding columns with aggregated data from the source that matches (intersects) the target geographies.

  • The target, (which is the upper input connection of this component), must have a geo column, which will be used to intersect with the source.

  • The source (lower input connection) can be either a CARTO Data Observatory subscription or table (or result from other component) with a geo column.

For the enrichment operation the CARTO Analytics Toolbox is required, and one of the following procedures will be called:

  • DATAOBS_ENRICH_POINTS if the source is a Data Observatory subscription

  • ENRICH_POINTS otherwise


  • Target geo column: it's the column of the target that will be used to intersect with the source and select the rows that will be aggregated for each target row.

  • Source geo column: (only necessary for non-DO sources) is the column of the source that will intersect with the target.

  • Variables: this allows selecting the data from the source that will be aggregated and added to the target.

    • For Data Observatory subscriptions, the variables can be selected from the DO variables of the subscription, identified by their variable slug;

    • for other sources they are the columns in the source table.

    Each variable added must be assigned an aggregation method. You can add the same variable with different aggregation methods. At the moment only numeric variables are supported.


  • Result table [Table]

Enrich Polygons


This component enriches a target table with data from a source. Enriching here means adding columns with aggregated data from the source that matches (intersects) the target geographies.

  • The target, (which is the upper input connection of this component), must have a geo column, which will be used to intersect with the source.

  • The source (lower input connection) can be either a CARTO Data Observatory subscription or table (or result from other component) with a geo column.

For the enrichment operation the CARTO Analytics Toolbox is required, and one of the following procedures will be called:

  • DATAOBS_ENRICH_POLYGONS if the source is a Data Observatory subscription

  • ENRICH_POLYGONS otherwise


  • Target geo column: it's the column of the target that will be used to intersect with the source and select the rows that will be aggregated for each target row.

  • Source geo column: (only necessary for non-DO sources) is the column of the source that will intersect with the target.

  • Variables: this allows selecting the data from the source that will be aggregated and added to the target.

    • For Data Observatory subscriptions, the variables can be selected from the DO variables of the subscription, identified by their variable slug;

    • for other sources they are the columns in the source table.

    Each variable added must be assigned an aggregation method. You can add the same variable with different aggregation methods. At the moment only numeric variables are supported.


  • Result table [Table]

Enrich Quadbin Grid


This component enriches a target table with data from a source. Enriching here means adding columns with aggregated data from the source that matches the target geographies.

  • The target, (which is the upper input connection of this component), must have a column that contains Quadbin indices, which will be used to join with the source.

  • The source (lower input connection) can be either a CARTO Data Observatory subscription or table (or result from other component) with a geography column.

For the enrichment operation the CARTO Analytics Toolbox is required, and one of the following procedures will be called:

  • DATAOBS_ENRICH_GRID if the source is a Data Observatory subscription

  • ENRICH_GRID otherwise


  • Target geo column: it's the column of the target that will be used to join with the source and select the rows that will be aggregated for each target row.

  • Source geo column: (only necessary for non-DO sources) is the column of the source that will join with the target.

  • Variables: this allows selecting the data from the source that will be aggregated and added to the target.

    • For Data Observatory subscriptions, the variables can be selected from the DO variables of the subscription, identified by their variable slug;

    • for other sources they are the columns in the source table.

    Each variable added must be assigned an aggregation method. You can add the same variable with different aggregation methods. At the moment only numeric variables are supported.

For spatially smoothed enrichments that take into account the surrounding cells, use the following input parameters:

  • Kring size: size of the k-ring where the decay function will be applied. This value can be 0, in which case no k-ring will be computed and the decay function won't be applied.

  • Decay function: decay function to aggregate and smooth the data. Supported values are uniform, inverse, inverse_square and exponential.


  • Result table [Table]

Last updated