H3 is Uber’s Hexagonal Hierarchical Spatial Index. Full documentation of the project can be found at h3geo. You can also learn more about H3 in the Spatial Indexes section of this documentation.
Returns a geography representing the H3 cell. It will return null on error (invalid input).
Returns the grid distance between two hexagon indexes. This function may fail to find the distance between two indexes if they are very far apart or on opposite sides of a pentagon. Returns null on failure or invalid input.
Returns the H3 cell index that the point belongs to in the requested resolution. It will return null on error (invalid geography type or resolution out of bounds). This function is an alias for H3_FROMGEOPOINT.
point: GEOGRAPHY point to get the H3 cell from.
resolution: INT64 number between 0 and 15 with the H3 resolution.
Returns all cell indexes in a hollow hexagonal ring centered at the origin in no particular order. Unlike H3_KRING, this function will throw an exception if there is a pentagon anywhere in the ring.
origin: STRING H3 cell index of the origin.
size: INT64 size of the ring (distance from the origin).
Returns an array of H3 cell indexes contained in the given geography (Polygon, MultiPolygon) at a requested resolution. Containment is determined by the cells' center. This function is equivalent to H3_POLYFILL_MODE with mode center.
geog: GEOGRAPHY representing the shape to cover.
resolution: INT64 level of detail. The value must be between 0 and 15 (H3 resolution table).
Use H3_POLYFILL_MODE with mode intersects in the following cases:
You want to provide the minimum covering set of a Polygon, MultiPolygon.
The input geography type is Point, MultiPoint, LineString, MultiLineString.
Returns an array of H3 cell indexes contained in the given geography at a requested resolution. Containment is determined by the mode: center, intersects, contains.
geog: GEOGRAPHY representing the shape to cover.
resolution: INT64 level of detail. The value must be between 0 and 15 (H3 resolution table).
mode: STRING
center returns the indexes of the H3 cells which centers intersect the input geography (polygon). The resulting H3 set does not fully cover the input geography, however, this is significantly faster that the other modes. This mode is not compatible with points or lines. Equivalent to H3_POLYFILL.
intersects returns the indexes of the H3 cells that intersect the input geography. The resulting H3 set will completely cover the input geography (point, line, polygon).
contains returns the indexes of the H3 cells that are entirely contained inside the input geography (polygon). This mode is not compatible with points or lines.
Returns a table with the H3 cell indexes contained in the given geography at a requested resolution. Containment is determined by the mode: center, intersects, contains. All the attributes except the geography will be included in the output table, clustered by the h3 column.
input_query: STRING input data to polyfill. It must contain a column geom with the shape to cover. Additionally, other columns can be included.
resolution: INT64 level of detail. The value must be between 0 and 15 (H3 resolution table).
mode: STRING
center returns the indexes of the H3 cells which centers intersect the input geography (polygon). The resulting H3 set does not fully cover the input geography, however, this is significantly faster that the other modes. This mode is not compatible with points or lines. Equivalent to H3_POLYFILL.
intersects returns the indexes of the H3 cells that intersect the input geography. The resulting H3 set will completely cover the input geography (point, line, polygon).
contains returns the indexes of the H3 cells that are entirely contained inside the input geography (polygon). This mode is not compatible with points or lines.
output_table: STRING name of the output table to store the results of the polyfill.
Mode center:
Mode intersects:
Mode contains:
The results are stored in the table named <output_table>, which contains the following columns:
h3: STRING the geometry of the considered point.
The rest of columns included in input_query except geom.
CALL `carto-un`.carto.H3_POLYFILL_TABLE("SELECT ST_GEOGFROMTEXT('POLYGON ((-3.71219873428345 40.413365349070865, -3.7144088745117 40.40965661286395, -3.70659828186035 40.409525904775634, -3.71219873428345 40.413365349070865))') AS geom",9, 'intersects','<project>.<dataset>.<output_table>');-- The table `<project>.<dataset>.<output_table>` will be created-- with column: h3
CALL `carto-un-eu`.carto.H3_POLYFILL_TABLE("SELECT ST_GEOGFROMTEXT('POLYGON ((-3.71219873428345 40.413365349070865, -3.7144088745117 40.40965661286395, -3.70659828186035 40.409525904775634, -3.71219873428345 40.413365349070865))') AS geom",9, 'intersects','<project>.<dataset>.<output_table>');-- The table `<project>.<dataset>.<output_table>` will be created-- with column: h3
CALL carto.H3_POLYFILL_TABLE("SELECT ST_GEOGFROMTEXT('POLYGON ((-3.71219873428345 40.413365349070865, -3.7144088745117 40.40965661286395, -3.70659828186035 40.409525904775634, -3.71219873428345 40.413365349070865))') AS geom",9, 'intersects','<project>.<dataset>.<output_table>');-- The table `<project>.<dataset>.<output_table>` will be created-- with column: h3
CALL `carto-un`.carto.H3_POLYFILL_TABLE('SELECT geom, name, value FROM `<project>.<dataset>.<table>`',9, 'center','<project>.<dataset>.<output_table>');-- The table `<project>.<dataset>.<output_table>` will be created-- with columns: h3, name, value