Cluster point aggregation

Cluster point aggregation allows you to dynamically group and display your point data as clusters, even when working with large-scale datasets. This type of visualization is ideal for simplifying complex data, identifying concentration patterns, and gaining insights by visualizing data density in a more digestible format.



In this section, you can define the cluster radius range and adjust the symbol’s aggregation size. This allows you to control the level of detail in the clustering—lower values result in more detailed, granular clusters.


Define the Color that will be used to fill your cluster. You can set a simple color or use a color schema based on a given property to add depth and meaning to your lines. Additionally, you can adjust the fill opacity to your desired percentage for better visual effects.


In the Stroke section, you can customize the stroke color and adjust its opacity. Additionally, you can set the stroke weight to match your visualization needs.


Labels for cluster layers allow you to display the number of aggregated points within each cluster. You can customize both the text color and the halo (outline) color to fit your visualization needs.

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