
The CARTO Analytics Toolbox's functions are organized in modules based on the functionality they offer. On this page you will find the full list with direct links to their definition.

Function or Procedure


Coming soon with support for vector/raster intersections and supporting CARTO raster tables.


Coming soon with Geocoding, Isolines and Routing.


Coming soon with advanced geo statistics capabilities.


Coming soon with support for importing the most common geospatial formats into Databricks tables.


Coming soon with support for generating the most common geospatial formats out of Databricks tables.


Coming soon with signal propagation modelling capabilities.

Apache Sedona

The CARTO Analytics Toolbox for Databricks includes Apache Sedona and makes all functions from "Sedona with Apache Spark" available in your Databricks all-purpose compute cluster.

Including Sedona as a built-in dependency on the Analytics Toolbox, provides a strong foundation for the basic geospatial capabilities in the CARTO Analytics Toolbox. Sedona can be used for all kinds of vector data operations, as described in Constructor, Function, Predicate and Aggregate Function sections in the Sedona reference.

All functions should be used with the prefix sedona_ , for example:

Create a point

SELECT sedona_ST_Point(double(1.2345), 2.3456)
-- Output: POINT (1.2345 2.3456)

Calculate the area of a polygon

SELECT sedona_ST_Area(ST_GeomFromText("POLYGON(0 0, 0 10, 10 10, 0 10, 0 0)"))
-- Output: 10

Check if two geographies intersect

SELECT sedona_ST_Intersects(
        ST_GeomFromWKT('LINESTRING(-43.23456 72.4567,-43.23456 72.4568)'), 
        ST_GeomFromWKT('POINT(-43.23456 72.4567772)')
-- Output: true

Last updated

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