Release Notes

This release notes are specific to the CARTO module inside ( and should be read as a complement to the official changelog

December 1st, 2024

carto-api-client 0.3.0 View in Github

  • New feature: New widget functionality that...

  • Improved XYZ 9.1 What's new | View in Github

  • New feature in that...

  • New Mega-cluster aggregation layer Now developers can do...

  • New styles blablabla Check this out....

  • Improved XYZ

  • carto-api-client has been bumped from 0.2.9 to 0.3.0 — v9 — March 27, 2024

Official — What's new | Upgrade guide

  • New CARTO module architecture:

    • The CartoLayer has been replaced by Sources and Layers, that provide more flexibility and readability.

    • The setDefaultCredentials function has been removed. Authentication must be passed to the Source, providing more flexibility for a single codebase.

    • The fetchLayerData function has been replaced by the new query function, which provides a simpler interface to request data to the CARTO SQL API. This data can then be used in other layers

Find a complete code example in the upgrade guide from v8.9 to v9.

v8.9 - March 9, 2023

Official — What's new | Upgrade guide

v8.8 - June 30, 2022

Official — What's new | Upgrade guide

  • The CartoLayer now works only with dynamic tiles. The format property has been removed. If you want to keep using GeoJSON instead of tiles, you need to use the fetchLayerData function.

  • Dynamic tiles support for SQL queries

  • Support for dynamic and static tilesets with data aggregated using H3 and Quadbin discrete global grids. New aggregationExp and aggregationResLevel props in CartoLayer

v8.7 - February 25, 2022

  • New fetchMap function for loading a Builder map

  • New MaskExtension to apply a spatial mask to layers

  • Support for dynamic tiling with MAP_TYPES.TABLE data sources

  • New QuadkeyLayer supporting visualization of data using the Quadkey spatial indexing scheme

  • Changes in configuration defaults: apiBaseUrl now defaults to and apiVersion to API_VERSIONS.V3. If you have code using a CARTO 2 dataset and you have not specified the apiVersion property, your code needs to be updated in order to work with the new version.

  • New format and formatTiles props in CartoLayer

v8.6 - October 12, 2021

  • Default to binary mode in MVTLayer

  • Include API error at the exception message

  • New geoColumnand columns props in CartoLayer

  • Fix MVTLayer autoHighlight with binary data

  • Check for correct layerName when highlighting in MVTLayer

In addition to these changes to the CARTO for module and the MVTLayer, we have also implemented support for the new Google Maps vector rendering features in the Google Maps module.

v8.5 - July 26, 2021

  • CARTO 3 integration

  • New CartoLayer supporting all the Maps API versions (CartoSQLLayer and CartoBQTiler layers will be deprecated and we recommend migrating existing code)

  • Support triangulation of polygons for MVTLoader in

  • Support pointType prop to allow changing point rendering in GeoJsonLayer

v8.4 - February 1, 2021

  • Basemap module for

  • Style helpers and CARTO colors

  • Support for CARTO Maps API v2

  • Add onDataLoad and onDataError callbacks to CARTO layers

  • TileJSON support to the MVTLayer

  • MVTLayer getRenderedFeatures

  • MVTLayer coordinates transformation to WGS84

  • MVTLayer binary data support

v8.3 - October 12, 2020

  • Add module (CartoSqlLayer and CartoBQTilerLayer)

  • MVTLayer: support globe view

v8.2 - June 28, 2020

  • Fix MVTLayer projection precision

  • FillStyleExtension supports MVTLayer

v8.1 - March 17, 2020

  • New MVTLayer for working with vector tiles

Last updated