Core version

Installation of the Analytics Toolbox Core as a Native App

To install the Analytics Toolbox Core, simply go to the CARTO Analytics Toolbox page in Snowflake Marketplace, and make sure you are using the ACCOUNTADMIN role:

  • Click on 'Get'.

  • Review the options:

    • Name: we recommend keeping the same name to follow the rest of the documentation accordingly.

    • Warehouse: choose your desired warehouse for computing

  • Click on 'Query data'. Or click on 'Open' from the app's main screen.

Congratulation! You've installed the Analytics Toolbox Core, and you can use our geospatial functions with your Snowflake data. Check the examples to get a quick start.

You can check the version by running SELECT CARTO.CARTO.VERSION_CORE().

Uninstallation of the Analytics Toolbox Core

To uninstall the CARTO Analytics Toolbox Core, simply run the following SQL command using an ACCOUNTADMIN role in a Snowflake worksheet:


This will uninstall the Native App and you can install it again at any point.

Last updated