Manual installation
This guide contains the steps to perform a fully manual installalation of the CARTO Analytics Toolbox for Snowflake.
This step consists of setting up the Snowflake cluster and database where we want to install the toolbox.
Creating the schema
The following script will create the user, schema, and role to be used for the installation in your database. Please note that this script must be executed by an account administrator.
For the sake of documenting the process, we'll will assume a database named CARTO,
as well as a schema named CARTO
in that database . We will also use a dedicated Snowflake user called CARTO.
All the database, schema and user can have a different name, but remember to adapt the code snippets accordingly.
AT Gateway configuration
The functions and procedures in the lds module provide access to geocoding and isolines services from different providers directly in your database via SQL. The service provider for each LDS function/procedure will depend on your contractual arrangements with CARTO.
API integration
CARTO Analytics Toolbox uses external lambda functions (that we call AT Gateway) to perform the requests from Snowflake to the external LDS provider. CARTO provides a role to make use of the lambda functions: “arn:aws:iam::000955892807:role/CartoFunctionsRole
Snowflake external functions are required to call the lambda function via an API Gateway. These are the endpoints currently available for the CARTO AT Gateway:
Let’s pick, for example, region “us-east-1
”, the API Gateway endpoint will be “
To make the connection between Snowflake and the API Gateway, a component called API integration is required. Follow the steps to create an integration for CARTO AT Gateway:
Use the API Integration name and the API Gateway endpoint to be used in the installation section.
API Base URL and LDS Token
The Analytics Toolbox LDS functions and procedures make requests to the CARTO LDS API in your account. You need to store the API Base URL and LDS Token in Redshift.
To get the API Base URL, go to the “Developers” section in the CARTO Platform and copy the value. For more information, check the documentation.
To get the LDS Token, go to the “Developers” section and create a new API Access Token. For more information, check the documentation. Make sure your token has LDS API enabled:
Then, keep the API Base URL and LDS Token to be used in the installation section.
Once the setup is completed, we can proceed with the installation of the toolbox. This step will be performed the first time and every time we want to install an updated version.
Download the Analytics Toolbox package
This zip file contains the scripts to install the analytics toolbox, in this case with the LDS module. Unzip the content in your local storage. This package will contain:
The package is only available for CARTO customers. Please, please contact us at to get a download link for the installation package. If you're insterested in a trial version of the Analytics Toolbox, check the Snowflake Native App version.
Create the functions and procedures
Run the script to create the SQL functions and procedures in the CARTO
Notice that to install the toolbox in a different database than CARTO
, you need to request a custom installation package with the requested database name.
WARNING: This script will remove all the previous functions and procedures in the carto schema.
Setup AT Gateway variables
To configure the LDS functions, we need to run the SETUP procedure with the LDS variables:
You have successfully installed the CARTO Analytics Toolbox in your Snowflake database. Now you can start using the functions in the SQL reference.
Last updated
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