This module contains functions to perform spatial statistics calculations.
This function computes the p-value (two-tails test) of a given z-score assuming the population follows a normal distribution where the mean is 0 and the standard deviation is 1. The z-score is a measure of how many standard deviations below or above the population mean a value is. It gives you an idea of how far from the mean a data point is. The p-value is the probability that a randomly sampled point has a value at least as extreme as the point whose z-score is being tested.
Return type
This procedure returns for each point the k-nearest neighbors of a given set of points.
the query to the data used to compute the KNN. A qualified table name can be given as well:<project-id>.<dataset-id>.<table-name>
qualified name of the output table:<project-id>.<dataset-id>.<table-name>
name of the column with unique ids.geo_col
name of the column with the geometries.k
number of nearest neighbors (positive, typically small).
The results are stored in the table named <output_table>
, which contains the following columns:
the geometry of the considered point.geo_knn
the k-nearest neighbor point.geoid
the unique identifier of the considered point.geoid_knn
the unique identifier of the k-nearest neighbor.distance
the k-nearest neighbor distance to the considered point.knn
the k-order (knn).
This function returns for each point the k-nearest neighbors of a given set of points.
input data with unique id and geography.k
number of nearest neighbors (positive, typically small).
Return type
ARRAY<STRUCT<geo GEOGRAPHY, geo_knn GEOGRAPHY, geoid STRING, geoid_knn STRING, distance FLOAT64, knn INT64>>
: the geometry of the considered point.geo_knn
: the k-nearest neighbor point.geoid
: the unique identifier of the considered point.geoid_knn
: the unique identifier of the k-nearest neighbor.distance
: the k-nearest neighbor distance to the considered point.knn
: the k-order (knn).
This procedure computes the Local Outlier Factor for each point of a specified column and stores the result in an output table along with the other input columns.
The input table. ASTRING
of the formproject-id.dataset-id.table-name
is expected. Theproject-id
can be omitted (in which case the default one will be used).target_fullname
The resulting table where the LOF will be stored. ASTRING
of the formproject-id.dataset-id.table-name
is expected. Theproject-id
can be omitted (in which case the default one will be used). The dataset must exist and the caller needs to have permissions to create a new table in it. The process will fail if the target table already exists.geoid_column_name
The column name with a unique identifier for each point.geo_column_name
The column name containing the points.lof_target_column_name
The column name where the resulting Local Outlier Factor will be stored in the output table.k
Number of nearest neighbors (positive, typically small).
The results are stored in the table named <output_table>
, which contains the following columns:
the geometry of the considered point.geoid
the unique identifier of the considered point.lof
the Local Outlier Factor score.
This function computes the Local Outlier Factor of each point of a given set of points.
input data points with unique id and geography.k
number of nearest neighbors (positive, typically small).
Return type
: the geometry of the considered point.geoid
: the unique identifier of the considered point.lof
: the Local Outlier Factor score.
This function computes the G-function of a given set of points.
the query to the data used to compute the G-Function. A qualified table name can be given as well:<project-id>.<dataset-id>.<table-name>
qualified name of the output table:<project-id>.<dataset-id>.<table-name>
name of the column with the geometries.
The results are stored in the table named <output_table>
, which contains the following columns:
the nearest neighbors distances.gfun_G
the empirical G evaluated for each distance in the support.gfun_ev
the theoretical Poisson G evaluated for each distance in the support.
This function computes the G-function of a given set of points.
input data points.
Return type
ARRAY<STRUCT<distance FLOAT64, gfun_G FLOAT64, gfun_ev FLOAT64>>
: the nearest neighbors distances.gfun_G
: the empirical G evaluated for each distance in the support.gfun_ev
: the theoretical Poisson G evaluated for each distance in the support.
This procedure derives a spatial composite score as the residuals of a regression model which is used to detect areas of under- and over-prediction. The response variable should be measurable and correlated with the set of variables defining the score. For each data point. the residual is defined as the observed value minus the predicted value. Rows with a NULL value in any of the individual variables are dropped.
Input parameters
the query to the data used to compute the spatial composite. It must contain all the individual variables that should be included in the computation of the composite as well as a unique geographic id for each row. A qualified table name can be given as well, e.g. 'project-id.dataset-id.table-name'.index_column
the name of the column with the unique geographic identifier.output_prefix
the prefix for the output table. It should include project and dataset, e.g. 'project-id.dataset-id.table-name'.options
containing a valid JSON with the different options. Valid options are described below.model_transform
containing the TRANSFORM clause in a BigQuery ML CREATE MODEL statement. If NULL no TRANSFORM clause is applied.model_options
with the different options allowed by BigQuery ML CREATE MODEL statement for regression models. Any model is allowed as long as it can deal with numerical inputs for the response variable. At least theINPUT_LABEL_COLS
parameters must be specified. By default, data will not be split into train and test (DATA_SPLIT_METHOD = 'NO_SPLIT'
). Hyperparameter tuning is not currently supported.r2_thr
the minimum allowed value for the R2 model score. If the R2 of the regression model is lower than this threshold this implies poor fitting and a warning is raised. The default value is 0.5.bucketize_method
the method used to discretize the spatial composite score. The default value is NULL. Possible options are:EQUAL_INTERVALS_ZERO_CENTERED: the values of the spatial composite score are discretized into buckets of equal widths centered in zero. The lower and upper limits are derived from the outliers-removed maximum of the absolute values of the score.
the number of buckets used when a bucketization method is specified. The default number of buckets is selected using Freedman and Diaconis’s (1981) rule. Ignored ifbucketize_method
is not specified.remove_outliers
. Whenbucketize_method
is specified, ifremove_outliers
is set to TRUE the buckets are derived from the oulier-removed data. The outliers are computed using Tukey’s fences k parameter for outlier detection. The default value is TRUE. For large inputs, setting this option to TRUE might cause aQuery exceeds CPU resources
error. Ignored ifbucketize_method
is not specified.
Return type
The results are stored in the table named <output_prefix>
, which contains the following columns:
: the unique geographic identifier. The type of this column depends on the type ofindex_column
: the value of the composite score. The type of this column isFLOAT64
if the score is not discretized andINT64
When the score is discretized by specifying the bucketize_method
parameter, the procedure also returns a lookup table named <output_prefix>_lookup_table
with the following columns:
the lower bound of the bin.upper_bound
the upper bound of the bin.spatial_score
the value of the (discretized) composite score.
This procedure combines (spatial) variables into a meaningful composite score. The composite score can be derived using different methods, scaling and aggregation functions and weights. Rows with a NULL value in any of the model predictors are dropped.
Input parameters
the query to the data used to compute the spatial composite. It must contain all the individual variables that should be included in the computation of the composite as well as a unique geographic id for each row. A qualified table name can be given as well, e.g. 'project-id.dataset-id.table-name'.index_column
the name of the column with the unique geographic identifier.output_prefix
the prefix for the output table. It should include project and dataset, e.g. 'project-id.dataset-id.table-name'.options
containing a valid JSON with the different options. Valid options are described below. If options is set to NULL then all options are set to default values, as specified in the table below.scoring_method
Possible options are ENTROPY, CUSTOM_WEIGHTS, FIRST_PC. With the ENTROPY method the spatial composite is derived as the weighted sum of the proportion of the min-max scaled individual variables, where the weights are based on the entropy of the proportion of each variable. Only numerical variables are allowed. With the CUSTOM_WEIGHTS method, the spatial composite is computed by first scaling each individual variable and then aggregating them according to user-defined scaling and aggregation methods and individual weights. Depending on the scaling parameter, both numerical and ordinal variables are allowed (categorical and boolean variables need to be transformed to ordinal). With the FIRST_PC method, the spatial composite is derived from a Principal Component Analysis as the first principal component score. Only numerical variables are allowed.weights
the (optional) weights for each variable used to compute the spatial composite when scoring_method is set to CUSTOM_WEIGHTS, passed as{"name":value, …}
. If a different scoring method is selected, then this input parameter is ignored. If specified, the sum of the weights must be lower than 1. If no weights are specified, equal weights are assumed. If weights are specified only for some variables and the sum of weights is less than 1, the remainder is distributed equally between the remaining variables. If weights are specified for all the variables and the sum of weights is less than 1, the remainder is distributed equally between all the variables.scaling
the user-defined scaling when the scoring_method is set to CUSTOM_WEIGHTS. Possible options are:MIN_MAX_SCALER: data is rescaled into the range [0,1] based on minimum and maximum values. Only numerical variables are allowed.
STANDARD_SCALER: data is rescaled by subtracting the mean value and dividing the result by the standard deviation. Only numerical variables are allowed.
RANKING: data is replaced by its percent rank, that is by values ranging from 0 lowest to 1. Both numerical and ordinal variables are allowed (categorical and boolean variables need to be transformed to ordinal).
DISTANCE_TO_TARGET_MIN(_MAX,_AVG):data is rescaled by dividing by the minimum, maximum, or mean of all the values. Only numerical variables are allowed.
PROPORTION: data is rescaled by dividing by the sum total of all the values. Only numerical variables are allowed.
the aggregation function used when the scoring_method is set to CUSTOM_WEIGHTS. Possible options are:LINEAR: the spatial composite is derived as the weighted sum of the scaled individual variables.
GEOMETRIC: the spatial composite is given by the product of the scaled individual variables, each to the power of its weight.
when scoring_method is set to FIRST_PC, the spatial score will be positively correlated with the selected variable (i.e. the sign the spatial score is set such that the correlation between the selected variable and the first principal component score is positive).correlation_thr
the minimum absolute value of the correlation between each individual variable and the first principal component score when scoring_method is set to FIRST_PC.return_range
the user-defined normalization range of the spatial composite score, e.g [0.0,1.0]. Ignored ifbucketize_method
is specified.bucketize_method
the method used to discretize the spatial composite score. Possible options are:EQUAL_INTERVALS: the values of the spatial composite score are discretized into buckets of equal widths.
QUANTILES: the values of the spatial composite score are discretized into buckets based on quantiles.
JENKS: the values of the spatial composite score are discretized into buckets obtained using k-means clustering.
the number of buckets used when a bucketization method is specified. Whenbucketize_method
is set to EQUAL_INTERVALS, ifnbuckets
is NULL, the default number of buckets is selected using Freedman and Diaconis’s (1981) rule. Whenbucketize_method
is set to JENKS or QUANTILES,nbuckets
cannot be NULL. Whenbucketize_method
is set to JENKS the maximum value is 100, aka the maximum number of clusters allowed by BigQuery with k-means clustering.
Valid options
Default value
Return type
The results are stored in the table named <output_prefix>
, which contains the following columns:
: the unique geographic identifier. The type of this column depends on the type ofindex_column
: the value of the composite score. The type of this column isFLOAT64
if the score is not discretized andINT64
When the score is discretized by specifying the bucketize_method
parameter, the procedure also returns a lookup table named <output_prefix>_lookup_table
with the following columns:
the lower bound of the bin.upper_bound
the upper bound of the bin.spatial_score
the value of the (discretized) composite score.
With the ENTROPY
With the FIRST_PC
This procedure computes the Cronbach’s alpha coefficient for a set of (spatial) variables. This coefficient can be used as a measure of internal consistency or reliability of the data, based on the strength of correlations between individual variables. Cronbach’s alpha reliability coefficient normally ranges between 0 and 1 but there is actually no lower limit to the coefficient. Higher alpha (closer to 1) vs lower alpha (closer to 0) means higher vs lower consistency, with usually 0.65 being the minimum acceptable value of internal consistency. Rows with a NULL value in any of the individual variables are dropped.
Input parameters
the query to the data used to compute the coefficient. It must contain all the individual variables that should be included in the computation of the coefficient. A qualified table name can be given as well, e.g. 'project-id.dataset-id.table-name'.output_prefix
the name for the output table. It should include project and dataset, e.g. 'project-id.dataset-id.table-name'.
Return type
The output table with the following columns:
the computed Cronbach Alpha coefficient.k
the number of the individual variables used to compute the composite.mean_var
the mean variance of all individual variables.mean_cov
the mean inter-item covariance among all variable pairs.
Geographically weighted regression (GWR) models local relationships between spatially varying predictors and an outcome of interest using a local least squares regression.
This procedure performs a local least squares regression for every input cell. This approach was selected to improve computation time and efficiency. The number of models is controlled by the selected cell resolution, thus the user can increase or decrease the resolution of the cell index to perform more or less regressions. Note that you need to provide the cell ID (spatial index) for every location as input (see cell_column
parameter), i.e., the cell type and resolution are not passed explicitly, but rather the index has to be computed previously. Hence if you want to increase or decrease the resolution, you need to precompute the corresponding cell ID of every location (see H3 or Quadbin module).
In each regression, the data of the locations in each cell and those of the neighboring cells, defined by the kring_distance
parameter, will be taken into account. The data of the neighboring cells will be assigned a lower weight the further they are from the origin cell, following the function specified in the kernel_function
. For example, considering cell i
and kring_distance
of 1. Having n
locations located inside cell i
, and in the neigheboring cells [n_1
, n_2
, ..., n_k
], then the regression of the cell i
will have in total n
+ n_1
+ n_2
+ ... + n_k
name of the source dataset. It should be a quoted qualified table with project and dataset:<project-id>.<dataset-id>.<table-name>
array of column names frominput_table
to be used as features in the GWR.label_column
name of the target variable column.cell_column
name of the column containing the cell ids.cell_type
spatial index type as 'h3', 'quadbin'.kring_distance
distance of the neighboring cells whose data will be included in the local regression of each cell.kernel_function
kernel function to compute the spatial weights across the kring. Available functions are: 'uniform', 'triangular', 'quadratic', 'quartic' and 'gaussian'.fit_intercept
whether to calculate the interception of the model or to force it to zero if, for example, the input data is already supposed to be centered. If NULL,fit_intercept
will be considered asTRUE
name of the output table. It should be a quoted qualified table with project and dataset:<project-id>.<dataset-id>.<table-name>
. The process will fail if the target table already exists. If NULL, the result will be returned directly by the query and not persisted.
The output table will contain a column with the cell id, a column for each feature column containing its corresponding coefficient estimate and one extra column for intercept if fit_intercept
Additional examples
This procedure computes the Getis-Ord Gi* statistic for each row in the input table.
the query to the data used to compute the coefficient. A qualified table name can be given as well:<project-id>.<dataset-id>.<table-name>
qualified name of the output table:<project-id>.<dataset-id>.<table-name>
name of the column with the H3 indexes.value_col
name of the column with the values for each H3 cell.size
size of the H3 kring (distance from the origin). This defines the area around each index cell that will be taken into account to compute its Gi* statistic.kernel
kernel function to compute the spatial weights across the kring. Available functions are: uniform, triangular, quadratic, quartic and gaussian.
The index_col
cannot contain NULL values, otherwise a Invalid input origin
error will be returned.
The results are stored in the table named <output_table>
, which contains the following columns:
computed Gi* value.p_value
computed P value.
This function computes the Getis-Ord Gi* statistic for each H3 index in the input array.
input data with the indexes and values of the cells.size
size of the H3 kring (distance from the origin). This defines the area around each index cell that will be taken into account to compute its Gi* statistic.kernel
kernel function to compute the spatial weights across the kring. Available functions are: uniform, triangular, quadratic, quartic and gaussian.
The input
cannot contain NULL indexes values, otherwise a Invalid input origin
error will be returned.
Return type
ARRAY<STRUCT<index STRING, gi FLOAT64, p_value FLOAT64>>
Additional examples
This procedure computes the Getis-Ord Gi* statistic for each row in the input table.
the query to the data used to compute the coefficient. A qualified table name can be given as well:<project-id>.<dataset-id>.<table-name>
qualified name of the output table:<project-id>.<dataset-id>.<table-name>
name of the column with the Quadbin indexes.value_col
name of the column with the values for each Quadbin cell.size
size of the Quadbin kring (distance from the origin). This defines the area around each index cell that will be taken into account to compute its Gi* statistic.kernel
kernel function to compute the spatial weights across the kring. Available functions are: uniform, triangular, quadratic, quartic and gaussian.
The index_col
cannot contain NULL values, otherwise a Invalid input origin
error will be returned.
The results are stored in the table named <output_table>
, which contains the following columns:
computed Gi* value.p_value
computed P value.
This function computes the Getis-Ord Gi* statistic for each Quadbin index in the input array.
:ARRAY<STRUCT<index INT64, value FLOAT64>>
input data with the indexes and values of the cells.size
size of the Quadbin k-ring (distance from the origin). This defines the area around each index cell that will be taken into account to compute its Gi* statistic.kernel
kernel function to compute the spatial weights across the kring. Available functions are: uniform, triangular, quadratic, quartic and gaussian.
The input
cannot contain NULL indexes values, otherwise a Invalid input origin
error will be returned.
Return type
ARRAY<STRUCT<index INT64, gi FLOAT64, p_value FLOAT64>>
This procedure computes the space temporal Getis-Ord Gi* statistic for each H3 index and each datetime timestamp according to the method described in this paper. It extends the Getis-Ord Gi* function by including the time domain. The Getis-Ord Gi* statistic is a measure of spatial autocorrelation, which is the degree to which data values are clustered together in space and time. The statistic is computed as the sum of the values of the cells in the kring (distance from the origin, space and temporal) weighted by the kernel functions, minus the value of the origin cell, divided by the standard deviation of the values of the cells in the kring. The Getis-Ord Gi* statistic is calculated from minimum to maximum datetime with the step defined by the user, in the input array. The datetime timestamp is truncated to the provided level, for example day / hour / week etc. For each spatial index, the missing datetime timestamp, from minimum to maximum, are filled with the default value of 0. Any other imputation of the values should take place outside of the function prior to passing the input to the function. The p value is computed as the probability of observing a value as extreme as the observed value, assuming the null hypothesis that the values are randomly distributed in space and time. The p value is computed using a normal distribution approximation.
the query to the data used to compute the coefficient. A qualified table name can be given as well:<project-id>.<dataset-id>.<table-name>
qualified name of the output table:<project-id>.<dataset-id>.<table-name>
name of the column with the H3 indexes.date_col
name of the column with the date.value_col
name of the column with the values for each H3 cell.size
size of the H3 kring (distance from the origin). This defines the area around each index cell that will be taken into account to compute its Gi* statistic.time_freq
The time interval - step to use for the time series. Available values are:year
. It is the equivalent of the spatial index in the time domain.time_bw
The bandwidth to use for the time series. This defines the number of adjacent observations in time domain to be considered. It is the equivalent of the H3 kring in the time domain.kernel
kernel function to compute the spatial weights across the kring. Available functions are: uniform, triangular, quadratic, quartic and gaussian.kernel_time
kernel function to compute the temporal weights within the time bandwidth. Available functions are: uniform, triangular, quadratic, quartic and gaussian.
The index_col
cannot contain NULL values, otherwise a Invalid input origin
error will be returned.
The results are stored in the table named <output_table>
, which contains the following columns:
computed Gi* value.p_value
computed P value.
This table function computes the space temporal Getis-Ord Gi* statistic for each H3 index and each datetime timestamp according to the method described in this paper. It extends the Getis-Ord Gi* function by including the time domain. The Getis-Ord Gi* statistic is a measure of spatial autocorrelation, which is the degree to which data values are clustered together in space and time. The statistic is computed as the sum of the values of the cells in the kring (distance from the origin, space and temporal) weighted by the kernel functions, minus the value of the origin cell, divided by the standard deviation of the values of the cells in the kring. The Getis-Ord Gi* statistic is calculated from minimum to maximum datetime with the step defined by the user, in the input array. The datetime timestamp is truncated to the provided level, for example day / hour / week etc. For each spatial index, the missing datetime timestamp, from minimum to maximum, are filled with the default value of 0. Any other imputation of the values should take place outside of the function prior to passing the input to the function. The p value is computed as the probability of observing a value as extreme as the observed value, assuming the null hypothesis that the values are randomly distributed in space and time. The p value is computed using a normal distribution approximation.
input data with the indexes and values of the cells.size
size of the H3 kring (distance from the origin). This defines the area around each index cell that will be taken into account to compute its Gi* statistic.time_freq
The time interval - step to use for the time series. Available values are:year
. It is the equivalent of the spatial index in the time domain.time_bw
The bandwidth to use for the time series. This defines the number of adjacent observations in time domain to be considered. It is the equivalent of the H3 kring in the time domain.kernel
kernel function to compute the spatial weights across the kring. Available functions are: uniform, triangular, quadratic, quartic and gaussian.kernel_time
kernel function to compute the temporal weights within the time bandwidth. Available functions are: uniform, triangular, quadratic, quartic and gaussian.
The input
cannot contain NULL indexes values, otherwise a Invalid input origin
error will be returned.
Return type
TABLE(index STRING, date DATETIME, gi FLOAT64, p_value FLOAT64)
This procedure computes the space temporal Getis-Ord Gi* statistic for each Quadbin index and each datetime timestamp according to the method described in this paper. It extends the Getis-Ord Gi* function by including the time domain. The Getis-Ord Gi* statistic is a measure of spatial autocorrelation, which is the degree to which data values are clustered together in space and time. The statistic is computed as the sum of the values of the cells in the kring (distance from the origin, space and temporal) weighted by the kernel functions, minus the value of the origin cell, divided by the standard deviation of the values of the cells in the kring. The Getis-Ord Gi* statistic is calculated from minimum to maximum datetime with the step defined by the user, in the input array. The datetime timestamp is truncated to the provided level, for example day / hour / week etc. For each spatial index, the missing datetime timestamp, from minimum to maximum, are filled with the default value of 0. Any other imputation of the values should take place outside of the function prior to passing the input to the function. The p value is computed as the probability of observing a value as extreme as the observed value, assuming the null hypothesis that the values are randomly distributed in space and time. The p value is computed using a normal distribution approximation.
the query to the data used to compute the coefficient. A qualified table name can be given as well:<project-id>.<dataset-id>.<table-name>
qualified name of the output table:<project-id>.<dataset-id>.<table-name>
name of the column with the Quadbin indexes.date_col
name of the column with the date.value_col
name of the column with the values for each Quadbin cell.size
size of the Quadbin kring (distance from the origin). This defines the area around each index cell that will be taken into account to compute its Gi* statistic.time_freq
The time interval - step to use for the time series. Available values are:year
. It is the equivalent of the spatial index in the time domain.time_bw
The bandwidth to use for the time series. This defines the number of adjacent observations in time domain to be considered. It is the equivalent of the Quadbin kring in the time domain.kernel
kernel function to compute the spatial weights across the kring. Available functions are: uniform, triangular, quadratic, quartic and gaussian.kernel_time
kernel function to compute the temporal weights within the time bandwidth. Available functions are: uniform, triangular, quadratic, quartic and gaussian.
The index_col
cannot contain NULL values, otherwise a Invalid input origin
error will be returned.
The results are stored in the table named <output_table>
, which contains the following columns:
computed Gi* value.p_value
computed P value.
This table function computes the space temporal Getis-Ord Gi* statistic for each Quadbin index and each datetime timestamp according to the method described in this paper. It extends the Getis-Ord Gi* function by including the time domain. The Getis-Ord Gi* statistic is a measure of spatial autocorrelation, which is the degree to which data values are clustered together in space and time. The statistic is computed as the sum of the values of the cells in the kring (distance from the origin, space and temporal) weighted by the kernel functions, minus the value of the origin cell, divided by the standard deviation of the values of the cells in the kring. The Getis-Ord Gi* statistic is calculated from minimum to maximum datetime with the step defined by the user, in the input array. The datetime timestamp is truncated to the provided level, for example day / hour / week etc. For each spatial index, the missing datetime timestamp, from minimum to maximum, are filled with the default value of 0. Any other imputation of the values should take place outside of the function prior to passing the input to the function. The p value is computed as the probability of observing a value as extreme as the observed value, assuming the null hypothesis that the values are randomly distributed in space and time. The p value is computed using a normal distribution approximation.
:ARRAY<STRUCT<index INT64, date DATETIME, value FLOAT64>>
input data with the indexes and values of the cells.size
size of the Quadbin kring (distance from the origin). This defines the area around each index cell that will be taken into account to compute its Gi* statistic.time_freq
The time interval - step to use for the time series. Available values are:year
. It is the equivalent of the spatial index in the time domain.time_bw
The bandwidth to use for the time series. This defines the number of adjacent observations in time domain to be considered. It is the equivalent of the Quadbin kring in the time domain.kernel
kernel function to compute the spatial weights across the kring. Available functions are: uniform, triangular, quadratic, quartic and gaussian.kernel_time
kernel function to compute the temporal weights within the time bandwidth. Available functions are: uniform, triangular, quadratic, quartic and gaussian.
The input
cannot contain NULL indexes values, otherwise a Invalid input origin
error will be returned.
Return type
TABLE(index INT64, date DATETIME, gi FLOAT64, p_value FLOAT64)
This procedure computes the Moran's I spatial autocorrelation from the input table with H3 indexes.
the query to the data used to compute the coefficient. A qualified table name can be given as well:<project-id>.<dataset-id>.<table-name>
qualified name of the output table:<project-id>.<dataset-id>.<table-name>
name of the column with the H3 indexes.value_col
name of the column with the values for each H3 cell.size
size of the H3 k-ring (distance from the origin). This defines the area around each index cell where the distance decay will be applied. If no neighboring cells are found, the weight of the corresponding index cell is set to zero.decay
decay function to compute the distance decay. Available functions are: uniform, inverse, inverse_square and exponential.
The index_col
cannot contain NULL values, otherwise a Invalid input origin
error will be returned.
The results are stored in the table named <output_table>
, which contains the following column:
Moran's I spatial autocorrelation.
If all cells have no neighbours, then the procedure will fail.
This function computes the Moran's I spatial autocorrelation from the input array of H3 indexes.
input data with the indexes and values of the cells.size
size of the H3 k-ring (distance from the origin). This defines the area around each index cell where the distance decay will be applied. If the cells don't have neighbours given the kring sizeNULL
is returned. If no neighboring cells are found, the weight of the corresponding index cell is set to zero.decay
decay function to compute the distance decay. Available functions are: uniform, inverse, inverse_square and exponential.
The input
cannot contain NULL indexes values, otherwise a Invalid input origin
error will be returned.
Return type
. If all cells have no neighbours, then the function will fail.
Additional examples
This procedure computes the Moran's I spatial autocorrelation from the input table with Quadbin indexes.
the query to the data used to compute the coefficient. A qualified table name can be given as well:<project-id>.<dataset-id>.<table-name>
qualified name of the output table:<project-id>.<dataset-id>.<table-name>
name of the column with the Quadbin indexes.value_col
name of the column with the values for each Quadbin cell.size
size of the Quadbin k-ring (distance from the origin). This defines the area around each index cell where the distance decay will be applied. If no neighboring cells are found, the weight of the corresponding index cell is set to zero.decay
decay function to compute the distance decay. Available functions are: uniform, inverse, inverse_square and exponential.
The index_col
cannot contain NULL values, otherwise a Invalid input origin
error will be returned.
The results are stored in the table named <output_table>
, which contains the following column:
Moran's I spatial autocorrelation.
If all cells have no neighbours, then the procedure will fail.
This function computes the Moran's I spatial autocorrelation from the input array of Quadbin indexes.
:ARRAY<STRUCT<index INT64, value FLOAT64>>
input data with the indexes and values of the cells.size
size of the Quadbin k-ring (distance from the origin). This defines the area around each index cell where the distance decay will be applied. If no neighboring cells are found, the weight of the corresponding index cell is set to zero.decay
decay function to compute the distance decay. Available functions are: uniform, inverse, inverse_square and exponential.
The input
cannot contain NULL indexes values, otherwise a Invalid input origin
error will be returned.
Return type
. If all cells have no neighbours, then the function will fail.
This procedure computes the local Moran's I spatial autocorrelation from the input table with H3 indexes. It outputs the H3 index
, local Moran's I spatial autocorrelation value
, simulated p value psim
, Conditional randomization null - expectation EIc
, Conditional randomization null - variance VIc
, Total randomization null - expectation EI
, Total randomization null - variance VI
, and the quad
HH=1, LL=2, LH=3, HL=4.
the query to the data used to compute the coefficient. A qualified table name can be given as well:<project-id>.<dataset-id>.<table-name>
qualified name of the output table:<project-id>.<dataset-id>.<table-name>
name of the column with the H3 indexes.value_col
name of the column with the values for each H3 cell.size
size of the H3 k-ring (distance from the origin). This defines the area around each index cell where the distance decay will be applied. If no neighboring cells are found, the weight of the corresponding index cell is set to zero.decay
decay function to compute the distance decay. Available functions are: uniform, inverse, inverse_square and exponential.permutations
number of permutations for the estimation of p-value.
The index_col
cannot contain NULL values, otherwise a Invalid input origin
error will be returned.
The results are stored in the table named <output_table>
, which contains the following columns:
H3 index.value
local Moran's I spatial autocorrelation.psim
simulated p value.EIc
conditional randomization null - expectation.VIc
conditional randomization null - variance.EI
total randomization null - expectation.VI
total randomization null - variance.quad
HH=1, LL=2, LH=3, HL=4.
This function computes the local Moran's I spatial autocorrelation from the input array of H3 indexes. It outputs the H3 index
, local Moran's I spatial autocorrelation value
, simulated p value psim
, Conditional randomization null - expectation EIc
, Conditional randomization null - variance VIc
, Total randomization null - expectation EI
, Total randomization null - variance VI
, and the quad HH=1, LL=2, LH=3, HL=4.
input data with the indexes and values of the cells.size
size of the H3 k-ring (distance from the origin). This defines the area around each index cell where the distance decay will be applied. If no neighboring cells are found, the weight of the corresponding index cell is set to zero.decay
decay function to compute the distance decay. Available functions are: uniform, inverse, inverse_square and exponential.permutations
number of permutations for the estimation of p-value.
The input
cannot contain NULL indexes values, otherwise a Invalid input origin
error will be returned.
Return type
ARRAY<STRUCT<index STRING, value FLOAT64, psim FLOAT64, EIc FLOAT64, VIc FLOAT64, EI FLOAT64, VI FLOAT64, quad INT64>>
This procedure computes the local Moran's I spatial autocorrelation from the input table with Quadbin indexes. It outputs the Quadbin index
, local Moran's I spatial autocorrelation value
, simulated p value psim
, Conditional randomization null - expectation EIc
, Conditional randomization null - variance VIc
, Total randomization null - expectation EI
, Total randomization null - variance VI
, and the quad
HH=1, LL=2, LH=3, HL=4.
the query to the data used to compute the coefficient. A qualified table name can be given as well:<project-id>.<dataset-id>.<table-name>
qualified name of the output table:<project-id>.<dataset-id>.<table-name>
name of the column with the Quadbin indexes.value_col
name of the column with the values for each Quadbin cell.size
size of the Quadbin k-ring (distance from the origin). This defines the area around each index cell where the distance decay will be applied. If no neighboring cells are found, the weight of the corresponding index cell is set to zero.decay
decay function to compute the distance decay. Available functions are: uniform, inverse, inverse_square and exponential.permutations
number of permutations for the estimation of p-value.
The index_col
cannot contain NULL values, otherwise a Invalid input origin
error will be returned.
The results are stored in the table named <output_table>
, which contains the following columns:
quadbin index.value
local Moran's I spatial autocorrelation.psim
simulated p value.EIc
conditional randomization null - expectation.VIc
conditional randomization null - variance.EI
total randomization null - expectation.VI
total randomization null - variance.quad
HH=1, LL=2, LH=3, HL=4.
This function computes the local Moran's I spatial autocorrelation from the input array of Quadbin indexes. It outputs the Quadbin index
, local Moran's I spatial autocorrelation value
, simulated p value psim
, Conditional randomization null - expectation EIc
, Conditional randomization null - variance VIc
, Total randomization null - expectation EI
, Total randomization null - variance VI
, and the quad HH=1, LL=2, LH=3, HL=4.
:ARRAY<STRUCT<index INT64, value FLOAT64>>
input data with the indexes and values of the cells.size
size of the Quadbin k-ring (distance from the origin). This defines the area around each index cell where the distance decay will be applied. If no neighboring cells are found, the weight of the corresponding index cell is set to zero.decay
decay function to compute the distance decay. Available functions are: uniform, inverse, inverse_square and exponential.permutations
number of permutations for the estimation of p-value.
The input
cannot contain NULL indexes values, otherwise a Invalid input origin
error will be returned.
Return type
ARRAY<STRUCT<index INT64, value FLOAT64, psim FLOAT64, EIc FLOAT64, VIc FLOAT64, EI FLOAT64, VI FLOAT64, quad INT64>>
This function computes the Variogram from the input array of points and their associated values.
It returns a STRUCT with the parameters of the variogram, the x values, the y values, the predicted y values and the number of values aggregated per bin.
input array with the points and their associated values.n_bins
number of bins to compute the semivariance.max_distance
maximum distance to compute the semivariance.model
type of model for fitting the semivariance. It can be either:exponential
:P0 * (1. - exp(-xi / (P1 / 3.0))) + P2
:P1 * (1.5 * (xi / P0) - 0.5 * (xi / P0)**3) + P2
Return type
STRUCT<variogram_params ARRAY<FLOAT64>, x ARRAY<FLOAT64>, y ARRAY<FLOAT64>, yp ARRAY<FLOAT64>, count ARRAY<INT64>>
: array containing the parameters [P0, P1, P2] fitted to themodel
: array with the x values used to fit themodel
: array with the y values used to fit themodel
: array with the y values as predicted by themodel
: array with the number of elements aggregated in the bin.
This procedure uses Ordinary kriging to compute the interpolated values of a set of points stored in a table, given another set of points with known associated values.
name of the table with the sample points locations and their values stored in a column namedpoint
) andvalue
), respectively. It should be a qualified table name including project and dataset:<project-id>.<dataset-id>.<table-name>
name of the table with the point locations whose values will be interpolated stored in a column namedpoint
. It should be a qualified table name including project and dataset:<project-id>.<dataset-id>.<table-name>
name of the output table where the result of the kriging will be stored. It should be a qualified table name including project and dataset:<project-id>.<dataset-id>.<table-name>
. The process will fail if the target table already exists. If NULL, the result will be returned by the procedure and won't be persisted.n_bins
number of bins to compute the semivariance.max_distance
maximum distance to compute the semivariance.n_neighbors
maximum number of neighbors of a point to be taken into account for interpolation.model
type of model for fitting the semivariance. It can be either:exponential
:P0 * (1. - exp(-xi / (P1 / 3.0))) + P2
:P1 * (1.5 * (xi / P0) - 0.5 * (xi / P0)**3) + P2
Additional examples
This function uses Ordinary kriging to compute the interpolated values of an array of points, given another array of points with known associated values and a variogram. This variogram may be computed with the [#variogram] function.
input array with the sample points and their values.interp_points
input array with the points whose values will be interpolated.max_distance
maximum distance to compute the semivariance.variogram_params
parameters [P0, P1, P2] of the variogram model.n_neighbors
maximum number of neighbors of a point to be taken into account for interpolation.model
type of model for fitting the semivariance. It can be eitherexponential
and it should be the same type of model as the one used to compute the variogram:exponential
:P0 * (1. - exp(-xi / (P1 / 3.0))) + P2
:P1 * (1.5 * (xi / P0) - 0.5 * (xi / P0)**3) + P2
Return type
Here is a standalone example:
Here is an example using the ORDINARY_KRIGING
function along with a VARIOGRAM
This function performs Inverse Distance Weighted interpolation. More information on the method can be found here. The method uses the values of the input samples to interpolate the values for the derived locations. The user can select the number of neighbors to be selected for the interpolation, the maximum distance between points and neighbors and the factor p
for the weights.
Input array with the sample points and their values.origin
Input array with the points whose values will be interpolated.maxdistance
Maximum distance between point for interpolation and sampling points.n_neighbors
Maximum number of sampling points to be considered for the interpolation.p
Power of distance.
Return type
This procedure computes a Markov Random Field (MRF) smoothing for a table containing H3 cell indexes and their associated values.
This implementation is based on the work of Christopher J. Paciorek: "Spatial models for point and areal data using Markov random fields on a fine grid." Electron. J. Statist. 7 946 - 972, 2013.
if your data is in lat/long format, you can still use this procedure by first converting your points to H3 cell indexes by using the H3_FROMLONGLAT function.
name of the source table. It should be a fully qualified table name including project and dataset:<project-id>.<dataset-id>.<table-name>
name of the output table. It should be a fully qualified table name including project and dataset:<project-id>.<dataset-id>.<table-name>
. The process will fail if the table already exists. If NULL, the result will be returned directly by the procedure and not persisted.index_column
name of the column containing the cell ids.variable_column
name of the target variable column.options
JSON string to overwrite the model's default options. If set to NULL or empty, it will use the default values.closing_distance
distance of closing. It defaults to 0. If strictly positive, the algorithm performs a morphological closing on the cells by theclosing_distance
, defined in number of cells, before performing the smoothing. No closing is performed otherwise.output_closing_cell
controls whether the cells generated by the closing are added to the output. If defaults toFALSE
iteration update factor. It defaults to 1.6. For more details, see, page 963.iter
number of iterative queries to perform the smoothing. It defaults to 10. Increasing this parameter might help if theconvergence_limit
is not reached by the end of the procedure's execution. Tip: if this limit has ben reached, the status of the second-to-last step of the procedure will throw an error.intra_iter
number of iterations per query. It defaults to 50. Reducing this parameter might help if a resource error is reached during the procedure's execution.convergence_limit
threshold condition to stop iterations. If this threshold is not reached, then the procedure will finish its execution after the maximum number of iterations (iter
) is reached. It defaults to 10e-5. For more details, see, page 963.
Return type
This procedure computes a Markov Random Field (MRF) smoothing for a table containing QUADBIN cell indexes and their associated values.
This implementation is based on the work of Christopher J. Paciorek: "Spatial models for point and areal data using Markov random fields on a fine grid." Electron. J. Statist. 7 946 - 972, 2013.
if your data is in lat/long format, you can still use this procedure by first converting your points to QUADINT cell indexes by using the QUADBIN_FROMLONGLAT function.
name of the source table. It should be a fully qualified table name including project and dataset:<project-id>.<dataset-id>.<table-name>
name of the output table. It should be a fully qualified table name including project and dataset:<project-id>.<dataset-id>.<table-name>
. The process will fail if the table already exists.index_column
name of the column containing the cell ids.variable_column
name of the target variable column.options
JSON string to overwrite the model's default options. If set to NULL or empty, it will use the default values.closing_distance
distance of closing. It defaults to 0. If strictly positive, the algorithm performs a morphological closing on the cells by theclosing_distance
, defined in number of cells, before performing the smoothing. No closing is performed otherwise.output_closing_cell
controls whether the cells generated by the closing are added to the output. If defaults toFALSE
iteration update factor. It defaults to 1.6. For more details, see, page 963.iter
number of iterative queries to perform the smoothing. It defaults to 10. Increasing this parameter might help if theconvergence_limit
is not reached by the end of the procedure's execution. Tip: if this limit has ben reached, the status of the second-to-last step of the procedure will throw an error.intra_iter
number of iterations per query. It defaults to 50. Reducing this parameter might help if a resource error is reached during the procedure's execution.convergence_limit
threshold condition to stop iterations. If this threshold is not reached, then the procedure will finish its execution after the maximum number of iterations (iter
) is reached. It defaults to 10e-5. For more details, see, page 963.
Return type
Prepares the input data for the BUILD_PCAMIX_MODEL procedure.
This procedure is tested against the R package FactoMineR, which adopts the Factorial Analysis of Mixed Data (FAMD) method developed by Pagés (2004). The same method is applied here and generalizes the use of PCA to account for the number of modalities available to each categorical/ordinal variable and on the probabilities of these modalities.
Depending on the variable type, he procedure applies the following transformations to the input data:
For the numerical variables: standard scale the columns to get their z-scores
For the categorical variables:
One-hot-encode the categorical columns to get their indicator matrix
Weight each column by the inverse of the square root of its probability, given by the number of ones in each column (Ns) divided by the number of observations (N)
Center the columns
In this procedure, we have extended this method also to ordinal variables by choosing from different encoding methods and by applying the correspoding weight. The available options include:
Categorical encoding: ordinal variables are hot-encoded and the columns of the resulting indicator matrix are then weighted and centered as in the FAMD method
Numerical encoding: ordinal variables are treated as numerical variables
Input parameters
the query or the fully qualified name of the table containing the input data which will be used to create the PCA model. It must contain all the individual variables specified incols_num_arr
, andcols_ord_arr
the name of the column with the unique geographic identifier.cols_num_arr
the array containing the names of the numerical (a.k.a. quantitative) columns. Should be set to NULL if no numerical variables are used.cols_cat_arr
the array containing the names of the categorical (a.k.a. qualitative) columns. Should be set to NULL if no categorical variables are used.cols_ord_arr
the array containing the names of the ordinal columns. Should be set to NULL if no ordinal variables are used.output_prefix
destination prefix for the output tables. It must contain the project, dataset and prefix. For example<my-project>.<my-dataset>.<output-prefix>
containing a valid JSON with the different options. Valid options are described in the table below.OptionDescriptionordinal_encoding
the query to the data which will be projected in the PCA space to obtain the PC scores. It must contain all the individual variables specified incols_num_arr
, andcols_ord_arr
. A qualified table name can be given as well, e.g. 'project-id.dataset-id.table-name'.
Return type
The procedure will output two tables:
Model data table: contains the transformed data for the data that will be used to create the PCA model. The name of the table includes the suffix _model_data, for example ..<output_prefix>_model_data.
New data table: contains the transformed data for the data that will be used to derive the PC scores. The name of the table includes the suffix _new_data, for example ..<output_prefix>_new_data.
This example shows the call for input data containing a mix of numerical, categorical, ordinal variables:
In this example instead, only numerical and categorical variables are included and new data for predicting the principal component scores are specified:
Performs principal component analysis (PCA) of a set of N
observations described by a mixture of P
categorical, ordinal and numerical variables, also known as Factorial Analysis of Mixed Data. This procedure includes ordinary principal component analysis (PCA), when all the input variables are numerical, and multiple correspondence analysis (MCA), when all the input variables are categorical, as special cases.
Note that when all the P variables are qualitative, the principal component scores are equal to scores of standard MCA times square root of P and the eigenvalues are then equal to the usual eigenvalues of MCA times P. When all the variables are quantitative, the procedure gives exactly the same results as standard PCA.
Input parameters
the query to the input data created with the BUILD_PCAMIX_DATA procedure. A qualified table name can be given as well, e.g. 'project-id.dataset-id.table-name'.index_column
the name of the column with the unique geographic identifier.output_model
the name for the output model. It should include project and dataset, e.g. 'project-id.dataset-id.table-name'.options
containing a valid JSON with the different options. Valid options are described in the table below.OptionDescriptionNUM_PRINCIPAL_COMPONENTS
Return type
The procedure created a PCA model named <output_model>
Given the principal component analysis (PCA) model trained with theBUILD_PCAMIX_MODEL procedure, it returns the principal component scores for the input data, as returned by the BUILD_PCAMIX_DATA procedure.
Input parameters
the query to the input data created with the BUILD_PCAMIX_DATA procedure which will be used to derive the principal component scores. A qualified table name can be given as well, e.g. 'project-id.dataset-id.table-name'.index_column
the name of the column with the unique geographic identifier.input_model
the name for the PCA model trained with the [BUILD_PCAMIX_MODEL])clouds/bigquery/modules/doc/statistics/ procedure. It should include project and dataset, e.g. 'project-id.dataset-id.model-name'.output_table
the name for the output table. It should include project and dataset, e.g. 'project-id.dataset-id.table-name'.
Return type
The results are stored in the table named <output_table>
, which containes
the retained principal component scores, named as
, etc. with the first column being the retained score explaining most of the variance and the last column being the retained score explaining the least of the varianceindex_column
: the unique geographic identifier. The type of this column depends on the type ofindex_column
This procedure can be used to detect anomalous spatial regions. It implements the scan statistics framework developed in this R package to detect spatial regions where the variable of interest is higher (or lower) than its baseline value.
the query or the fully qualified name of the table containing the data used to detect the spatial anomalies. It must contain theindex_column
, theinput_variable_column
, a column named<input_variable_column>_baseline
with the values that should be used as a baseline to detect the anomalies and, when thedistributional model
parameter is set to 'GAUSSIAN' also its variance, its variance,<input_variable_column>_baseline_sigma2
. The locations should all have the same timestamps (i.e. no missing locations / time combinations are allowed). No NULL values in any of the input columns are allowed, and no duplicated locations are allowed. Baselines can be broadly defined, depending on the application domain under consideration. For example, the variable of interest might be some counts and the baselines might be the at-risk population of that area. Alternatively, rather than being given the baselines in advance, we might infer these baselines from the data using a statistical model that accounts for any know covariate and can used to estimate the expected values and their variance.index_column
the name of the column with the unique geographic identifier of the spatial index, either 'H3' or 'QUADBIN'input_variable_column
the name of the column with the variable for which the spatial anomalies should be detected. When the permutations option is set to a number larger the zero and the values are of theinput_variable_column
are larger than , scaling of the values of theinput_variable_column
(and of<input_variable_column>_baseline
columns) is recommended to avoid a floating point error when computing the p-value using the __GUMBEL_PVALUE functionoutput_table
the fully qualified name of the output tableoptions
a JSON with the different options. If options is set to NULL then all options are set to default.OptionDescriptionDefault valuekring_size
either the minimum and the maximum size of the k-ring used to define the spatial zones (e.g. [0,5]) or an array of specific k-rings (e.g. [0,2,5]). Use the latter to reduce the number of spatial zones and speed up computation[0, 3]
a boolean to specify if the analysis is for detecting spatial zones higher (true
) or lower (false
) than the baselinetrue
the estimation method used to detect the spatial anomalies, either 'EXPECTATION' or 'POPULATION' for the expectation- and population-based methods respectively'EXPECTATION'
the distributional model of the data, either 'POISSON' or 'GAUSSIAN'. The 'POISSON' model should be used only for non-negative data'GAUSSIAN'
the number of permutations used to derive the random replicas to test the anomaly statistical significance10
the maximum number of spatial zones returned. The spatial zones are first ordered in descending order according to the score. When two (or more) space-time zones have the same score, the order is arbitrary10
Return type
The results are stored in the table named <output_table>
, which contains the following columns:
the unique identifier of the spatial zonescore
the score representing the scan statisticsrelrisk
the value of the relative risk of the spatial zone of being anomalous, computed as the ratio of the aggregated observed values to the aggregated baseline valuespgumbel
the p-value obtained by fitting a Gumbel distribution to the replicate scan statisticslocations
if the index_column is of type QUADBIN and H3 respectively with the distinct locations belonging to the corresponding spatial zone
This procedure call performs an anomaly detection analysis using the expectation-based method (with a Gaussian distributional model) for spatial zone defined by a k-ring between 1 and 3:
This procedure call performs an anomaly detection analysis using the population-based method (with a Poisson distributional model) for specific spatial k-rings:
This procedure can be used to detect anomalous space-time regions. It implements the scan statistics framework developed in this R package to detect space-time regions where the variable of interest is higher (or lower) than its baseline value.
the query or the fully qualified name of the table containing the data used to detect the space-time anomalies. It must contain theindex_column
, thedate_column
, theinput_variable_column
, a column named<input_variable_column>_baseline
with the values that should be used as a baseline to detect the anomalies and, when thedistributional model
parameter is set to 'GAUSSIAN' also its variance,<input_variable_column>_baseline_sigma2
. The locations should all have the same timestamps (i.e. no missing locations / time combinations are allowed). No NULL values in any of the input columns are allowed, and no duplicated location/time pairs are allowed. Baselines can be broadly defined, depending on the application domain under consideration. For example, the variable of interest might be some counts and the baselines might be the at-risk population of that area. Alternatively, rather than being given the baselines in advance, we might infer these baselines from historical data using a time series model that accounts for any know covariate and can used to estimate the expected values and their variance.index_column
the name of the column with the unique geographic identifier of the spatial index, either 'H3' or 'QUADBIN'date_column
the name of the column with the timestamp identifier. The type of this column could be any type that can be casted toDATETIME
the name of the column with the variable for which the space-time anomalies should be detected. When the permutations option is set to a number larger the zero and the values of theinput_variable_column
are larger than , scaling of the values of theinput_variable_column
(and of<input_variable_column>_baseline
columns) is recommended to avoid a floating point error when computing the p-valuetime_freq
the temporal frequency of the data selected from one of the following:second
the fully qualified name of the output tableoptions
a JSON with the different options. If options is set to NULL then all options are set to default.OptionDescriptionDefault valuekring_size
either the minimum and the maximum size of the k-ring used to define the spatial zones (e.g. [0,5]) or an array of specific k-rings (e.g. [0,2,5]). Use the latter to reduce the number of spatial zones and speed up computation[0, 3]
either the minimum and the maximum temporal bandwidth used to define the temporal zones (e.g. [0,10]) or an array of specific temporal bandwidths (e.g. [0,5,10]). Use the latter to reduce the number of temporal zones and speed up computation[0, L] where L is the maximum length of the time series
a boolean to specify if the analysis is retrospective or prospective. In a retrospective analysis, the space-time anomalies can happen at any point in time over all the past data (a temporal zone can end at any timestamp); in the prospective analysis instead, only temporal zones that end with the last timestamp are considered and the interest lies in detecting new emerging anomaliestrue
a boolean to specify if the analysis is for detecting space-time zones higher (true
) or lower (false
) than the baselinetrue
the estimation method used to detect the spacetime anomalies, either 'EXPECTATION' or 'POPULATION' for the expectation- and population-based methods respectively. In the population-based method we expect each observed value to be proportional to its baseline under the null hypothesis, while in the expectation-based method, we expect each observed value to be equal to its baseline under the null hypothesis'EXPECTATION'
the distributional model of the data, either 'POISSON' or 'GAUSSIAN'. The 'POISSON' model should be used only for non-negative data'GAUSSIAN'
the number of permutations used to derive the random replicas to test the anomaly statistical significance10
the maximum number of space-time zones returned. The space-time zones are first ordered in descending order according to the score. When two (or more) space-time zones have the same score, the order is arbitrary10
Return type
The results are stored in the table named <output_table>
, which contains the following columns:
the unique identifier of the space-time zonescore
the score representing the scan statisticsrelrisk
the value of the relative risk of the space-time zone of being anomalous, computed as the ratio of the aggregated observed values to the aggregated baseline valuespgumbel
the p-value obtained by fitting a Gumbel distribution to the replicate scan statisticslocations
if theindex_column
is of type QUADBIN and H3 respectively with the distinct locations belonging to the corresponding spatial zonetimes
with the distinct timestamps belonging to the corresponding space-time zone
This procedure call performs a retrospective anomaly detection analysis using the expectation-based method (with a Gaussian distributional model) for every 12-months temporal window and spatial zone defined by a k-ring between 1 and 3:
This procedure call performs a prospective anomaly detection analysis using the population-based method (with a Poisson distributional model) for specific spatial k-rings and temporal windows:
This procedure computes the Area of Applicability (AOA) of a Bigquery ML model. It generates a metric which tells the user where the results from a Machine Learning (ML) model can be trusted when the predictions are extrapolated outside the training space (i.e. where the estimated cross-validation performance holds). Adding a method to compute this metric is particularly useful for non-linear models.
This implementation is based on Meyer, H., & Pebesma, E. (2021). Predicting into unknown space? Estimating the area of applicability of spatial prediction models. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 12, 1620– 1633.
Given the SHAP values of a trained model, the procedure computes a Dissimilarity Index (DI) for each new data point used for prediction as the multivariate distance between the model covariates for that point and the nearest training data point. To identify those new points that lie in the model AOA, the DI is compared using a threshold obtained as the (outlier-removed) maximum DI of the training data derived via cross-validation: for each training data point the DI is computed as the distance to the nearest training data point that is not in the same (spatial) cross-validation fold with respect to the average of all pairwise distances between all training data. Alternatively, the user can also input a user-defined threshold. To compute the DI, two distance metrics are available:
Euclidean distance: the distance between two data points is computed as the sum over all predictors of the weighted square differences between the standardized value of each predictor variable, where the weight is derived from the model SHAP table. This distance should be used only when all predictor variables are numerical, for which squared differences are well defined.
Gower distance: the distance between two data points is computed as the sum over all predictors of the weighted and normalized absolute differences for numerical (continous and discrete) predictors and the indicator function (0 if equal, 1 otherwise) for categorical/ordinal predictors. This distance can be used for numerical only, categorical only or mixed-type data and is normalized between 0 and 1, with 0 indicating that two points are the same.
The cross-validation folds for the training data can be obtained using a custom index (“CUSTOM_KFOLD”), a random cross-validation strategy (“RANDOM_KFOLD”), or environmental blocking (“ENV_BLOCKING_KFOLD”).
Finally, rows with a NULL value in any of the model predictors are dropped.
Input parameters
the query to the data used to train the model. It must contain all the model predictors columns as well asindex_column
query to provide the data over which the domain of applicability is estimated. It must contain all the model predictors columns as well asindex_column
the query to the model SHAP table with the feature importance of the model. For example, for the BUILD_REVENUE_MODEL these values are stored in a table with suffix_model_shap
. When the model is trained with BigQuery ML the feature importance of the model predictors can also be found on the model Interpretability tag.index_column
the name of the column with the unique geographic identifier. A column with this name needs to be selected (or created) both insource_input_query
and incandidate_input_query
destination and prefix for the output table. It must contain the project, dataset and prefix:<project>.<dataset>.<prefix>
containing a valid JSON with the different options. Valid options are described in the table below. If options is set to NULL then all options are set to default.OptionDescriptionthreshold_method
method used for calculating the threshold to be applied on dissimilarity index of the candidate set in order to identify the area of applicability. Possible options are:"USER_DEFINED_THRESHOLD"
uses a user defined threshold to derive the AOA. The threshold is provided by the user-definedthreshold
uses a customized k-fold index. The threshold is based on the cross-validation folds stored in the kfold_index_column in thesource_input_query
uses a random k-fold index. The threshold is based on the cross-validation folds derived from a random k-fold strategy with the number of folds specified by the user in thenfolds
uses a environmental blocking k-fold index. The threshold is based on the cross-validation folds derived from an environmental blocking strategy. This method can only be used when all predictors are numerical, otherwise an error is raised.threshold
the user defined threshold when the"USER_DEFINED_THRESHOLD"
threshold method is used. The threshold should be defined in the [0,1] interval.kfold_index_column
name of the cross-validation fold column. Ifthreshold_method
is set to"CUSTOM_KFOLD"
, the user needs to pass this parameter, otherwise an error is raised. If threshold_method is set to"RANDOM_KFOLD"
, this parameter is optional.distance_type
the distance used to compute the dissimilarity index. Possible options are GOWER for the Gower distance and EUCLIDEAN for the Euclidean distance. When working with mixed data types the user can only use the Gower distance, otherwise an error is raised.outliers_scale_factor
the proportion of explained variance retained in the PCA analysis. Only values in the (0,1] range are allowed.nfolds
the minimum number of environmental folds (clusters) ifnfolds
is set to NULL, otherwise it is ignored.nfolds_max
the maximum number of environmental folds (clusters) ifnfolds
is set to NULL, otherwise it is ignored.normalize_dissimilarity_index
if TRUE the dissimilarity factor is normalized between 0 and 1. If threshold_method is set to USER_DEFINED_THRESHOLD this parameter must be set to TRUE.return_source_dataset
if TRUE the dissimilarity index for the source model data is also returned. If threshold_method is set to"USER_DEFINED_THRESHOLD"
this parameter must be set to FALSE.The different options for each threshold_method are explained in the table below.
Default value
Optional if
are definedNULL if OPTIONS IS NOT NULL and 4 otherwise
Optional if
is defined; mandatory ifnfolds_max
is definedNULL
Optional if
is defined; mandatory ifnfolds_min
is definedNULL
The output table with the following columns:
the unique geographic identifier. The data type of the index_column in source_input_query and in the candidate_input_query is casted to STRING to take into account potential differences between the data type of source_input_query and candidate_input_query.is_source
TRUE if a data point is in the source model data and FALSE otherwise (only returned if return_source_dataset is TRUE).kfold_index_column
the cross-validation fold index for each data point in the source model dataset (only returned if return_source_dataset is TRUE). The name of the column is given by the kfold_index_column parameter in the OPTIONS section.dissimilarity_index
the dissimilarity index.dissimilarity_index_threshold
the dissimilarity index threshold used to define the Area of Applicability (AOA, data points in the candidate set for which the dissimilarity index is smaller than this threshold belong to the area of applicability).is_in_area_of_applicability
TRUE if a data point in the candidate set (is_source = FALSE) is in the AOA and FALSE otherwise. For data points in the source set (is_source = TRUE) this is set to NULL.
Let's start by setting the OPTIONS to NULL
. In this case the threshold is computed from a random k-fold strategy (threshold_method=RANDOM_KFOLD) with nfolds = 4:
, the threshold is provided by the user:
, the threshold is based on the cross-validation folds stored in the kfold_index_column
in the source_input_query data
the threshold is based on the cross-validation folds derived from a random k-fold strategy with the number of folds specified by the user in the nfolds parameter
the threshold is based on the cross-validation folds derived from an environmental blocking strategy
This procedure derives cross validation (CV) folds based on environmental blocking.
This procedure uses multivariate methods (Principal Component Analysis + K-means clustering) to specify sets of similar conditions based on the input covariates. It should be used to overcome the issue of overfitting due to non-causal predictors: in this case, the spatial structure in the data may be explained by the model through some other non-causal covariate which correlates with the spatial structure. The resulting model predictions may perform fine in a situation where the correlation structure between non-causal and the “true” predictors (i.e. the underlying structures) remains unchanged but they could completely fail when predicting to novel situations (extrapolation).
The method performs a Principal Component Analysis (PCA) on the standardized data and then applies K-means clustering to cluster the data. The cluster number is then used to assign to each data point a corresponding CV fold. If the optimal number of folds is not provided, this is obtained by choosing the number of clusters that minimizes the Calinski-Harabasz Index.
We suggest to limit the use of this procedure to numerical data only. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and K-means are primarily suited for continuous data, for which squared differences are well defined, but they also might be applied to discrete variables (although in this case the PCA results might exhibit some artifacts and the K-means results will not map back to the data). When dealing with categorical or ordinal data instead, direct application of PCA/K-means is not recommended, even if the data has been one-hot-encoded, as for example done in the PCA and K-means methods in Google BigQuery. The issue when applying the PCA/K-means method over a table containing the one-hot encoded data is that the results would inherently depend on the number of modalities available to each variable as well as on the probabilities of these modalities and therefore it would be impossible to equally weight all the input variables when maximizing the variance (PCA) or the within-cluster sums of squares (K-means).
Finally, rows with a NULL value in any of the model predictors are dropped.
Input parameters
the input query. It must contain all the model predictors columns.predictors
the names of the (numeric) predictors.index_column
the name of the column with the unique geographic identifier.output_prefix
destination and prefix for the output table. It must contain the project, dataset and prefix:<project>.<dataset>.<prefix>
containing a valid JSON with the different options. Valid options are described in the table below. If options is set to NULL then all options are set to default.OptionDescriptionpca_explained_variance_ratio
the minimum number of environmental folds (clusters) if nfolds is set to NULL, otherwise it is ignored. If NOT NULL nfolds_min should be at least 1 and nfolds_max should also be specified.nfolds_max
the maximum number of environmental folds (clusters) if nfolds is set to NULL, otherwise it is ignored. If NOT NULL nfolds_max should be at always larger than nfolds_min.kfold_index_column
the name of the cross-validation fold column. If NULL this parameter is set to 'k_fold_index'.
The output table with the following columns:
the unique geographic identifier. Its type will depend on the type of this column in the input_query.kfold_index_column
the cross-validation fold column.
With nfolds
With nfolds_min
and nfolds_max
This procedure can be used to aggregate space-time features within a spatio-temporal neighbourhood to extract new features. It does not resample the input data but allows you to compute statistics for each space-time location based on its neighboring data points. Data must have a temporal dimension and contain grid cell indexes of one of the supported types (H3, Quadbin). For data points to be aggregated with their neighbours, the user must select a k-ring size to define the neighbouring region.
the query or the fully qualified name of the table containing the data to be smoothed. It must contain theindex_column
, thedate_column
, and all the columns specified invariables
the name of the column with the unique geographic identifier of the spatial index, either 'H3' or 'QUADBIN'.date_column
the name of the column with the timestamp identifier. The type of this column could be any type that can be casted toDATETIME
:ARRAY<STRUCT<variable STRING, aggregation STRING>>
the list with the columns and their corresponding aggregation method (sum
). The choice of aggregation function depends on the variable's nature: numerical variables typically use functions like sum, mean, or median (perc50
), while categorical variables use modes or counts.time_freq
the temporal frequency of the data selected from one of the following:second
the fully qualified name of the output table.options
a JSON with the different options. If options is set toNULL
then all options are set to default.OptionDescriptionDefault valuekring_size
the size of the k-ring used to define the neighbours in the spatial domain; that is, the spatial bandwith. It defines the spatial area (spatial window) around each cell that will be taken into account to aggregate each variable. If set to0
, only the time domain is considered for smoothing the data.1
the size of the k-ring used to define the neighbours in the time domain; that is, the temporal bandwith. It defines the time range (time window) around each cell that will be taken into account to aggregate each variable. If set to0
, only the spatial domain is considered for smoothing the data.1
the method used to create the time-based window around each data point that includes its neighboring values. Specifically, for a given point in time, the k-ring encompasses all values within a defined range that can be:centered
: takes all previous and subsequent values within the temporal k-ring, i.e.:[- time_bw, time_bw]
: takes all previous values within the temporal k-ring, i.e.:[- time_bw, 0]
: takes all subsequent values within the temporal k-ring, i.e.:[0, time_bw]
a boolean to specify whether to preserve the original values ininput
or to output only the newly smoothened variables.True
Return type
The results are stored in the table named <output_table>
, which contains the columns in input
plus the smoothened variables as <variable>_<aggregation>
This procedure call aggregates variables var1
and var2
within a space-time neighbouring region using a backward time window (i.e. only considering past information). Here we are adding up all neighbouring var1
values, counting all neighbouring var2
cells and counting all neighbouring var2
cells with values larger than 10 (which is enconded in var3
This procedure call aggregates variables var1
and var2
within a space-only neighbouring region.
This procedure call aggregates variables var1
and var2
within a time-only neighbouring region.
This procedure can be used to smooth space-time features over space and/or time, aiming to reduce noise or variability in data while maintaining important underlying trends. Data must have a temporal dimension and contain grid cell indexes of one of the supported types (H3, Quadbin). For data points to be averaged with their neighbours, the user must select a k-ring size and a decay function to weight the data of the neighbors cells according to their distance in both time and space (a.k.a. neighboring order).
the query or the fully qualified name of the table containing the data to be smoothed. It must contain theindex_column
, thedate_column
, and all the columns specified in thevalue_columns
the name of the column with the unique geographic identifier of the spatial index, either 'H3' or 'QUADBIN'.date_column
the name of the column with the timestamp identifier. The type of this column could be any type that can be casted toDATETIME
the name of the column(s) with the variable(s) for which the space-time smoothing should be applied. If more than one column is selected, the same smoothing parameters specified inoptions
will be applied to all.time_freq
the temporal frequency of the data selected from one of the following:second
the fully qualified name of the output table.options
a JSON with the different options. If options is set toNULL
then all options are set to default.OptionDescriptionDefault valuekring_size
the size of the k-ring used to define the neighbours in the spatial domain; that is, the spatial bandwith. It defines the spatial area (spatial window) around each cell that will be taken into account to average each variable. If set to0
, only the time domain is considered for smoothing the data.1
the size of the k-ring used to define the neighbours in the time domain; that is, the temporal bandwith. It defines the time range (time window) around each cell that will be taken into account to average each variable. If set to0
, only the spatial domain is considered for smoothing the data.1
the method used to create the time-based window around each data point that includes its neighboring values. Specifically, for a given point in time, the k-ring encompasses all values within a defined range that can be:centered
: takes all previous and subsequent values within the temporal k-ring, i.e.:[- time_bw, time_bw]
: takes all previous values within the temporal k-ring, i.e.:[- time_bw, 0]
: takes all subsequent values within the temporal k-ring, i.e.:[0, time_bw]
a boolean to specify whether to preserve the original values ininput
or to output only the newly smoothened variables.True
Return type
The results are stored in the table named <output_table>
, which contains the columns in input
plus the smoothened variables as <value_column>_smooth
This procedure call smoothens variables var1
and var2
by averaging the values within a space-time neighbouring region, using a backward time window (i.e. only considering past information).
This procedure call smoothens variables var1
and var2
by averaging the values within a space-only neighbouring region.
This procedure call smoothens variables var1
and var2
by averaging the values within a time-only neighbouring region.
This procedure can be used to aggregate spatial features within a neighbourhood to extract new features. It does not resample the input data but allows you to compute statistics for each location based on its neighboring data points. Data must contain grid cell indexes of one of the supported types (H3, Quadbin). For data points to be aggregated with their neighbours, the user must select a k-ring size to define the neighbouring region.
the query or the fully qualified name of the table containing the data to be smoothed. It must contain theindex_column
, and all the columns specified invariables
the name of the column with the unique geographic identifier of the spatial index, either 'H3' or 'QUADBIN'.variables
:ARRAY<STRUCT<variable STRING, aggregation STRING>>
the list with the columns and their corresponding aggregation method (sum
). The choice of aggregation function depends on the variable's nature: numerical variables typically use functions like sum, mean, or median (perc50
), while categorical variables use modes or counts.output_table
the fully qualified name of the output table.options
a JSON with the different options. If options is set toNULL
then all options are set to default.OptionDescriptionDefault valuekring_size
the size of the k-ring used to define the neighbours in the spatial domain; that is, the spatial bandwith. It defines the spatial area (spatial window) around each cell that will be taken into account to aggregate each variable.1
a boolean to specify whether to preserve the original values ininput
or to output only the newly smoothened variables.True
Return type
The results are stored in the table named <output_table>
, which contains the columns in input
plus the smoothened variables as <variable>_<aggregation>
This procedure call aggregates variables var1
and var2
within a neighbouring region. Here we are adding up all neighbouring var1
values, counting all neighbouring var2
cells and counting all neighbouring var2
cells with values larger than 10 (which is enconded in var3
This procedure call aggregates variables var1
and var2
within a neighbouring region.
This procedure call aggregates variables var1
and var2
within a neighbouring region.
This procedure can be used to smooth features over space, aiming to reduce noise or variability in data while maintaining important underlying trends. Data must contain grid cell indexes of one of the supported types (H3, Quadbin). For data points to be averaged with their neighbours, the user must select a k-ring size and a decay function to weight the data of the neighbors cells according to their distance (a.k.a. neighboring order).
the query or the fully qualified name of the table containing the data to be smoothed. It must contain theindex_column
, and all the columns specified in thevalue_columns
the name of the column with the unique geographic identifier of the spatial index, either 'H3' or 'QUADBIN'.value_columns
the name of the column(s) with the variable(s) for which the space-time smoothing should be applied. If more than one column is selected, the same smoothing parameters specified inoptions
will be applied to all.output_table
the fully qualified name of the output table.options
a JSON with the different options. If options is set toNULL
then all options are set to default.OptionDescriptionDefault valuekring_size
the size of the k-ring used to define the neighbours in the spatial domain; that is, the spatial bandwith. It defines the spatial area (spatial window) around each cell that will be taken into account to average each variable.1
a boolean to specify whether to preserve the original values ininput
or to output only the newly smoothened variables.True
Return type
The results are stored in the table named <output_table>
, which contains the columns in input
plus the smoothened variables as <value_column>_smooth
This procedure call smoothens variables var1
and var2
by averaging the values within a spatial neighbouring region.
This procedure call smoothens variables var1
and var2
by averaging the values within a spatial neighbouring region with defaults.
This procedure is designed to analyze spatio-temporal data in order to identify and categorize locations based on their hotspot or coldspot status over time. Utilizing z-score values generated by the Space-Time Getis-Ord function, i.e. the h3 spacetime getis ord, and applying either the original Mann Kendall or modified Mann-Kendall trend test on these values, it categorizes each location into specific types of hotspots or coldspots. This categorization is based on patterns of spatial clustering and intensity trends over observed time intervals. The categories can be seen in the following table along with their description.
Undetected Pattern
This category applies to locations that do not exhibit any discernible patterns of hot or cold activity as defined in subsequent categories.
Incipient Hotspot
This denotes a location that has become a significant hotspot only in the latest observed time step, without any prior history of significant hotspot activity.
Sequential Hotspot
Identifies a location experiencing an unbroken series of significant hotspot activity leading up to the most recent time step, provided it had no such activity beforehand and less than 90% of all observed intervals were hotspots.
Strengthening Hotspot
A location consistently identified as a hotspot in at least 90% of time steps, including the last, where there's a statistically significant upward trend in activity intensity.
Stable Hotspot
Represents a location maintaining significant hotspot status in at least 90% of time steps without showing a clear trend in activity intensity changes over time.
Declining Hotspot
A location that has consistently been a hotspot in at least 90% of time steps, including the most recent one, but shows a statistically significant decrease in the intensity of its activity.
Occasional Hotspot
Locations that sporadically become hotspot, with less than 90% of time steps marked as significant hotspots and no instances of being a significant coldspot.
Fluctuating Hotspot
Marks a location as a significant hotspot in the latest time step that has also experienced significant coldspot phases in the past, with less than 90% of intervals as significant hotspots.
Legacy Hotspot
A location that isn't currently a hotspot but was significantly so in at least 90% of past intervals.
Incipient Coldspot
Identifies a location that is marked as a significant coldspot for the first time in the latest observed interval, without any previous history of significant coldspot status.
Sequential Coldspot
A location with a continuous stretch of significant coldspot activity leading up to the latest interval, provided it wasn't identified as a coldspot before this streak and less than 90% of intervals were marked as coldspots.
Strengthening Coldspot
A location identified as a coldspot in at least 90% of observed intervals, including the most recent, where there's a statistically significant increase in the intensity of low activity.
Stable Coldspot
A location that has been a significant coldspot in at least 90% of intervals without any discernible trend in the intensity of low activity over time.
Declining Coldspot
Locations that have been significant coldspots in at least 90% of time steps, including the latest, but show a significant decrease in low activity intensity.
Occasional Coldspot
Represents locations that sporadically become significant coldspots, with less than 90% of time steps marked as significant coldspots and no instances of being a significant hot spot.
Fluctuating Coldspot
A location marked as a significant coldspot in the latest interval that has also been a significant hot spot in past intervals, with less than 90% of intervals marked as significant coldspots.
Legacy Coldspot
Locations that are not currently coldspots but were significantly so in at least 90% of past intervals.
Input parameters
The input parameters to this procedure are:
the query to the data used to compute the coefficient. A qualified table name can be given as well:<project-id>.<dataset-id>.<table-name>
qualified name of the output table:<project-id>.<dataset-id>.<table-name>
name of the column with the spatial indexes.date_column
name of the column with the date.gi_column
name of the column with the getis ord values.p_value_column
name of the column with the p_value associated with the getis ord values.options
containing a valid JSON with the different options. Valid options are described in the table below. If options is set to NULL then all options are set to default.
the threshold of the $p_value$ for an location to be considered as hotspot/coldspot. Default is 0.05.
the algorithm to be used for the monotonic trend test. It can be either mk
for the original Mann-Kendall test or mmk
for the modified one. Default is mk
The output table contains the following fields:
: thetype
of theindex_col
specified in the input.classification
is one of the categories in the table.tau
the $tau$ value of the trend test.tau_p
the p-value of the trend $tau$ value. If it equals to 2 then it means that the trend test has failed.
This procedure provides a way to group together different time series based on several methods that are use-case dependant. The user is able to choose the number of clusters. Please read carefully the method definition below to understand their usage and possible caveats that each method may have.
The data passed to the function requires to be structured using two different columns that will serve as indices:
A unique ID per time series (
), which can be a spatial index, a location unique ID (for instance a POI, store, point of sale, antenna, asset, etc.) or any other ID that uniquely identifies each time series.A timestamp (
), that will identify each of the time steps within each and all series.
All these methods require the series to be aligned and grouped, so that there is one and only one observation per combination of ID and timestamp; the input data cannot have missing values (a series is missing a value in the nth timestep) or multiple values (a series has multiple values in the nth timestep). Since each series require different treatment, the user is in charge of performing this step.
This example below will re-sample a daily time series into a weekly sampling rate and impute all missing values (if any).
The procedure will use any of the methods explained below to cluster the series. There is no single correct method, but different ways to approach different use cases. Please take a look at the official BigQuery guide for working with time series, since probably some of the provided functions or examples can be useful to deal with this kind of preprocessing.
Value characteristic: will group the series based on how similar they are point-wise, that is, sample by sample in each of them. This should return intuitive results: different changes in scale will probably split the series in larger and smaller ones, and changes that make points in similar ranges will contribute to the series being together. Another way of thinking of this method is assuming that will group series together the closer their points are if we plot them on a graph. Note: this function uses the Euclidean Distance internally where the dimensions are the timesteps; therefore it will suffer the Curse of Dimensionality for a very large number of timesteps. To identify this issue, please start the analysis on very large time aggregations (i.e. monthly) and increase the temporal resolution to inspect any changes in this classification.
Profile characteristic: will group the series together based on how similar their dynamics are; that is, how similar their step to step changes are. This method will not take into account their scale but the correlation between series, grouping them together if their changes are similar. For example, two stores will be grouped together if their sales are more substantial on weekends, despite the scale of them may differ orders of magnitude.
the query to the data used to compute the clustering. A qualified table name can be given as well:<project-id>.<dataset-id>.<table-name>
qualified name of the output table:<project-id>.<dataset-id>.<table-name>
name of the column with the time series IDs.ts_column
name of the column with the date.value_column
name of the column with the value per ID and timestep.options
containing the advanced options for the procedure:method
, one of:value
for value characteristic,profile
for profile characteristic.
number of clusters to generate in the K-Means.model_name
: name to use for the K-Means object in BigQuery. Defaults to<output_table>_model
The results are stored in the table named <output_table>
, which contains the following columns:
The given
, one entry per unique value in the input;cluster
column with the cluster label associated.
Last updated
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