Spatial Constructors

Components that given the specifications in the input generate new sets of spatial data; those being points, line, polygons and even tilesets.

BBOX from Values


This component creates a new table containing a 'geom' column and a single row containing a geography that represents a bounding box as defined by the input min/max values.


  • Minimum X [Number]

  • Minimum Y [Number]

  • Maximum X [Number]

  • Maximum Y [Number]


  • Result table [Table]

BigQuery reference

Clip with Polygons


This component creates a new table containing the geographies of the input table clipped to the combined boundary of the geographies in another table. Geographies in this second table must be of type polygon.


  • Table to clip [Table]

  • Polygons table [Table]

  • Geo column in table to clip [Column]

  • Geo column in polygons table [Column]


  • Result table [Table]

Create Grid


This component creates a new table containing points distributed in a regular grid, according to a given interval. Point geographies are stored in a column named 'geo'. The extent to cover is defined by an ancillary table with geographies.


  • Reference table (used for extent) [Table]

  • Geo column [Column]

  • Interval (degrees) [Number]


  • Result table [Table]

Create Isolines

This component requires the CARTO Analytics Toolbox installed in the chosen connection to build the workflow.


This component computes isolines.


  • Source table


  • Geo column: select a column that contains points that will be the origin point of the isoline.

  • Mode: Select a mode of transport for the isoline calculation.

  • Type of range: Select between time or distance for the isoline calculation.

  • Range value (seconds/meters): Input a numeric value that represent seconds if time was selected or meters if distance was selected.

Provider-specific settings:

CARTO makes use of different isoline providers. The default one is TravelTime, but TomTom and HERE are also available. Please contact the team at for more information.


  • Departure time: Take into account historical traffic conditions to generate the isoline. Accepted values are now or a timestamp in this format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss, for example: 2024-01-31T09:30:00

  • Single shape (default true): Force the resulting isoline to be a single polygon.


  • Departure time: Accepted values are any, now or a timestamp in this format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss, for example: 2024-01-31T09:30:00

  • Use traffic information if available: Check this option to take into account historical traffic conditions to generate the isoline.


  • Arrival Time: any, now or timestamp (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss). Not compatible with Departure Time

  • Departure Time: any, now or timestamp (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss). Not compatible with Arrival time

  • Optimize for: balanced (default), quality, performance.

  • Routing mode: fast (default), short

  • Origin radius (m): Consider any position in the radius of the origin point as origin.

Advanced Options:

  • Isoline Options: A JSON object that can contain other provider specific options, for example: {"option1":"value", "option2": 123}. Check each provider documentation for a complete reference of available options in the External links section below.


  • Result table: The component generates a table that contains the following columns:

    • All columns from input table.

    • An orig_geom column that contains the original point geometry in the selected geo column.

    • A geom column that contains the generated isoline.

    • A carto_isoline_metadata column that can contain additional information. Usually details if the isoline failed for some reason. In most scenarios it will be null if the isoline was generated correctly.

External links

Create Routes

This component requires the CARTO Analytics Toolbox installed in the chosen connection to build the workflow.


This component creates routes between origin and destination points stored in a table.


  • Source table [Table]

  • Origin column [Column]

  • Destination column [Column]

  • Name for column with routes [String]

  • Mode [Selection]


  • Result table [Table]

External links

BigQuery reference

Create Tileset

This component requires the CARTO Analytics Toolbox installed in the chosen connection to build the workflow.


This component creates a tileset.


  • Source table [Table]

  • Geo column [Column]

  • Tileset name [String]

  • Tileset description [String]

  • Minimum zoom [Number]

  • Maximum zoom [Number]

  • Minimum zoom column [Column]

  • Maximum zoom column [Column]

  • Maximum tile size (KB) [Number]

  • Tile feature order [String]

  • Drop duplicates [Boolean]


External links

BigQuery reference

Point from Static LatLon


This component creates a new table containing a single row with a single point geography. The point is stored in a column named 'geo'.


  • Longitude [Number]

  • Latitude [Number]


  • Result table [Table]

Remove Holes


This component generates a new geo column with polygons without holes.


  • Source polygons table [Table]

  • Geo column [Column]


  • Result table [Table]

Spatial Process


This component performs high-level spatial object editing from a simple, single component. You can combine multiple objects or cut the spatial objects of the input table.

With this component you can combine objects, cut 1st from 2nd, cut 2nd from 1st, create the intersection object or create the inverse intersection object. Define the action that you want to do using the “Action” field.


  • source table [Table]

  • 1st Spatial Field [Column]

  • 2nd Spatial Field [Column]

  • Action [Selection]


  • Result table [Table]

ST Boundary


This component adds a new column with the boundary of the input geography.


  • Source table [Table]

  • Geo column [Column]


  • Result table [Table]:

External links

BigQuery reference

Redshift reference

ST Bounding Box


This component creates a new column containing rectangles that represents the bounding box of each geometry.


  • Source table [Table]

  • Geo column [Column]


  • Result table [Table]

External links

BigQuery reference

Snowflake reference

Redshift reference

PostgreSQL reference

ST Extent


This component creates a new table containing a 'geom' column and a single row containing a geography that represents the bounding box of the input table.


  • Source table [Table]

  • Geo column [Column]


  • Result table [Table]

External links

BigQuery reference

ST Generate Points

This component requires the CARTO Analytics Toolbox installed in the chosen connection to build the workflow.


This component generates a table with a specified number of random points within a extent.

The extent is specified using a table with polygons.


  • Source table [Table]

  • Geo column [Column]

  • Number of points [Number]


  • Result table [Table]

External links

BigQuery reference

ST Geocode

This component requires the CARTO Analytics Toolbox installed in the chosen connection to build the workflow.


This component geocodes an input table.

It generates a new table with an additional column named 'geo' containing the geocoded addresses.


  • Source table [Table]

  • Column with addresses [Column]

  • Country [Selection]


  • Table with geocoded rows [Table]

  • Table with rows that could not be geocoded [Table]

External links

BigQuery reference

ST Make Line


This component creates a new table with an additional column with line geographies. Geographies are created based on another column containing arrays of points.


  • Source table [Table]

  • Points column [Column]


  • Result table [Table]

External links

BigQuery reference

PostgreSQL reference

ST Make Polygon


This component creates a new table with an additional column with polygon geographies. Geographies are created based on another column containing polylines.


  • Source table [Table]

  • Polylines column [Column]


  • Result table [Table]

External links

BigQuery reference

Snowflake reference

Redshift reference

PostgreSQL reference

ST Polygonize

This component requires the CARTO Analytics Toolbox installed in the chosen connection to build the workflow.


This component adds a new column with polygons, created from a column containing arrays of lines representing polygon edges.


  • Source table [Table]

  • Geo column [Column]


  • Result table [Table]

External links

BigQuery reference

Last updated

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