Activity Data Reference
This page contains the details of each table: the schema, and a reference to understand the contents. Use this bookmarks to quickly find the specific table details you're looking for:
Activity Logs
A complete collection of logs for every event that happened in your CARTO organization
Identifies the specific event that occurred. Check the event reference for a list of possible values. Example: MapCreated
The timestamp of the event, in UTC.
The payload with all the data associated with the event. Check the event reference for a list of possible values.
Event Reference
Custom branding was reset to CARTO defaults
Contains the admin that produced the action
Your organization was created
Contains info about the industry customization, if any
Your organization was deleted
Your organization was deleted using the button in CARTO Workspace
Contains infomation about the user who triggered the deletion
Your organization was no longer suspended and can be accessed
Your organization was suspended and can't be accessed
Your organization was updated, typically metadata.
Someone in your organization requested a Activity Data export
Contains info about the date ranges and the categories requested, as well as the user who requested it
An OAuth client was created
Contains info about the user that created it, and the type + ID of OAuth Client
An OAuth client was deleted
Contains info about the user who deleted it, as well as which OAuth Client was deleted
A user opened one of the applications in the App Gallery
Contains info about which user opened which application
A user opened one of the applications bookmarked by your admins in Applications
Contains info about which user and which application
An admin updated one of the applications in the organization
Contains info about which admin and which application, and whether the app is bookmarked at the homepage
A UI-assisted installation of the Analytics Toolbox was completed
Contains info about the provider and the AT version
A UI-assisted installation of the Analytics Toolbox was completed
Contains info about the provider and the AT version
A UI-assisted un-installation of the Analytics Toolbox was completed
Contains info about the provider
A UI-assisted un-installation of the Analytics Toolbox was completed
Contains info about the provider
An integration of a storage bucket was completed
Contains info about the provider and the admin who completed the integration
An integration of a storage bucket was deleted
Contains info about the provider and the admin who deleted the integration
An integration of a storage bucket was updated
Contains info about the provider and the admin who updated the integration
CARTO tried to validate the integration of a storage bucket, but it failed
Contains info about the provider, the admin who tried to validate, and the specific error
On a Builder map, an editor changed the aggregation resolution of a spatial index source
Contains info about the map, the user and the aggregation type
Someone exported data from a Builder map
Contains info about the user, the map, the export type and the number of exported layers
Someone used the Feature Selection tool on a Builder map
Contains info about the user, the map, and the type of mask created
An editor used the Query This Table feature in Builder
Contains info about the user, the map, and the connection provider
An editor requested the most up-to-date data from a Builder data source
Contains info about the user, the map, and the connection provider
Someone downloaded a PDF export of a Builder map
Contains info about the user and the map
URL Parameters were used to control a Builder map
Contains info about the user, the map, and the URL parameters used
An admin gave or revoked consent for the CARTO Support Team to access the org
Contains info about the admin, the action (enable/disable) and the duration for the consent
Someone gave feedback to the AI agent in a Builder map
Contains info about the feedback type and the threadId of that AI interaction
A user obtained console access to the CARTO Data Warehouse
Contains info about the user
A user self-revoked console access to the CARTO Data Warehouse
Contains info about the user
A data source in Builder was swapped.
Contains info about the user, the type of swap, and the map ID containing the data source
A new connection was created
Contains info about the user, the provider, the connection privacy, and the connection method
A connection was deleted
Contains info about the user, the provider, the connection privacy, and the connection method
When creating a connection, a provider was selected
Contains info about the user and the connection provider
A connection was updated
Contains info about the user, the provider, the connection privacy (including the previous value), and the connection method
A user removed their credentials from a connection that requires viewer credentials
Contains info about the user, the provider, the connection, and the credentials type
A user attached their credentials to a connection that requires viewer credentials
Contains info about the user, the provider, the connection, and the credentials type
An editor copied the embed code provided in a Builder map
Contains info about the user and the map
An editor copied the map ID provided in a Builder map
Contains info about the user and the map
An editor copied the map link provided in a Builder map
Contains info about the user and the map
A user previewed a specific table using Data Explorer
Contains info about the user, the provider and the connection
A user listed the contents of a project/schema/dataset/database using Data Explorer
Contains info about the FQN, the connection, the user, the provider, the privacy, and the object type/level/count
A user created a map starting from a table in Data Explorer
Contains info about the user, the provider, and the connection
A user created a workflow starting from a table in Data Explorer
Contains info about the user, the provider, and the connection
A user added a new data source to a Builder map
Contains info about the user, the provider, the source type, and the connection
A user updated a data source in a Builder map
Contains info about the user, the provider, the source type, and the connection
A user created a new map from one of the demo map templates that appear when onboarding into CARTO
Contains info about the user, the map, the map privacy, and the specific demo map used
A user duplicated a new map from one of the demo map templates that appear when onboarding into CARTO
Contains info about the user, and the specific demo map duplicated
A user created a new workflow from one of the demo map templates that appear when onboarding into CARTO
Contains info about the user, the workflow, the workflow privacy, and the specific demo workflow used
A user duplicated a new workflow from one of the demo map templates that appear when onboarding into CARTO
Contains info about the user, and the specific demo workflow duplicated
A user used the "Access In" feature in Data Explorer to access their Data Observatory subscriptions from their Data Warehouse
Contains info about the user, the dataset, and the provider
A user requested the "Access In" feature in Data Explorer to access their Data Observatory subscriptions from their Data Warehouse
Contains info about the user, the requested dataset, and the requested provider
A new Data Observatory subscription was created for your organization
Contains info about the user and the dataset
An existing Data Observatory subscription was updated
Contains info about the user and the dataset
The main domain of your CARTO organization was updated
Contains info about the old domain and the new domain
A map was created starting from a Data Observatory subscription
Contains info about the user and the provider
A new sample was accessed from the Data Observatory
Contains info about the user and the dataset sample
A user requested a premium or under-request Data Observatory subscription
Contains info about the user and the requested dataset
CARTO sent a transactional email to a user
Contains info about the list of recipient users and the subject of the email
A user imported a file using CARTO
Contains info about the user, the provider, the connection, and the import job ID
A user started a geocoding process using Data Explorer
Contains info about the user, the provider, the geocoding type, and the connection
A new user group was created in your organization
Contains info about the admin that created the group, and the new group ID
A existing user group was deleted from your organization
Contains info about the group Id that was deleted, and the admin who deleted it
An existing user group was updated
Contains info about the user that triggered the update and the group ID
A user clicked on one of the help blocks in the Help Sidebar
Contains info about the user, the context, and the specific help block
Someone used the AI-powered search bar in the Help Sidebar
Contains info about the user and the context
A user styled a layer in a Builder map using a HEX column coming from their data
Contains info about the user and the map
A workflow used the HTTP Request component and consumed HTTP Request quota
Contains info about the user and the URL requested
An import job changed its status
Contains info about the import job ID, the status, the elapsed time, the file type, and the schema detection mode
A new integration was created in Settings
Contains info about the admin and the integration type
An integration was deleted in Settings
Contains info about the admin and the integration type
An integration was updated in Settings
Contains info about the admin and the integration type
CARTO tried to validate an integration, but it failed
Contains info about the admin, the integration type, and the specific error
The shortcut to invite new users from the main menu was used
Contains info about the user
An admin approved a user that requested to join the organization
Contains info about the approved user
An admin rejected a user that requested to join the organization
Contains info about the rejected user
A layer type was changed in CARTO Builder
Contains info about the user and the new layer type
LDS (geocoding, routing, isolines, etc.) quota was consumed
Contains info about the user, the LDS service, the provider, the config, and the amount of LDS quota consumed
The LDS quota is exhausted, and a user requested more quota
Contains info about the user, the LDS service, the provider, the config, and the amount of LDS quota consumed
A new Builder map was created
Contains info about the user, the map, the map privacy, and whether it's a demo map
A Builder map was deleted
Contains info about the user, the map, the map privacy, and whether it's a demo map
An editor edited the map description of a Builder map
Contains info about the user
A Builder map was duplicated
Contains info about the user, the map, the map privacy, whether it's a demo map, and the new duplicated map ID
The cache for a data source was invalidated
Contains info about the user, the provider, the connection, and the specific source
A Builder map was loaded
Contains info about the user, the map, the map privacy, and whether it's a demo map
An editor started editing a collaborative map
Contains info about the user, the map, the map privacy, and whether it's a demo map
An editor switched to Preview mode in a Builder map
Contains info about the user and the map
Someone changed the sharing/privacy settings of a Builder map
Contains info about the user, the map, the map privacy, the previous map privacy and whether it's a demo map
Someone made the latest changes in a Builder map available to viewers
Contains info about the user and the map
Changes in a Builder map were automatically saved
Contains info about the user, the map, the map privacy, and whether it's a demo map
In a collaborative map, the current editor accepted that other editor will take over editing
Contains info about the user, the map, the map privacy, and whether it's a demo map
In a collaborative map, the current editor rejected that other editor will take over editing
Contains info about the user, the map, the map privacy, and whether it's a demo map
In a collaborative map, an editor requested to take over editing from the current editing user
Contains info about the user, the map, the map privacy, and whether it's a demo map
In a collaborative map, the current editor stopped editing it and now other editors can jump in
Contains info about the user, the map, the map privacy, and whether it's a demo map
A Builder map was updated
Contains info about the user, the map, the map privacy, and whether it's a demo map
Someone made the latest changes in a Builder map available to viewers
Contains info about the user, the map, and the specific widgets used
A user measured distances in a Builder map using the measure tool
Contains info about the user and the map
A Named Source was created in your organization
Contains info about the user and the named source
A Named Source was deleted in your organization
Contains info about the user and the named source
A Named Source was updated in your organization
Contains info about the user and the named source
This event is fired every time a data resource (table or query) is used in CARTO
Contains info about the user, the FQN used, the provider and connection details, and metadata about this object
A user completed one of the onboarding tasks
Contains info about the user and the specific task
A table was optimized for geospatial analysis using Data Explorer
Contains info about the user, the connection, and the FQN of the optimized table
An action was stopped because a quota is exhausted
Contains info about the user, the specific quota, and the UI where this alert was raised
A table was deleted using Data Explorer
Contains info about the user, the FQN of the deleted resource, and the connection used
Someone used the "Show only this layer" function in Builder
Contains info about the user and the map
A different Spatial Column (and type) was specified in a Builder map
Contains info about the user, the spatial type, and the spatial column name
A SQL Analysis was generated in a Builder map
Contains info about the user, the map, the analysis type, and additional metadata
A SQL Parameter was added to a Builder map
Contains info about the user, the type of SQL parameter, and the map
A SQL Parameter was used in a Builder map
Contains info about the user, the type of SQL parameter, the map, and the map privacy
Groups in CARTO were updated using info from your SSO
Contains info about the user, the added groups for that user, and the removed groups for that user
The specified table resource was used somewhere in CARTO
Contains info about the user, the context, the FQN, the object type, the connection, and the provider
A user interacted with a table widget in Builder
Contains info about the user, the map, and the interaction type
A tileset was created using Data Explorer
Contains info about the user, the connection, and additional metadata
An OAuth Access Token was obtained using a M2M OAuth Client
Contains info about the user and the remaining M2M OAuth Tokens quota
Contains info about the user, the method used to join, and additional organization information
A user in your organization was deleted
Contains info about the user and role of the deleted user
A user logged in
Contains info about the user
A user logged out manually from CARTO
Contains info about the user
The role of a user in your organization was updated
Contains info about the user, their previous role, and the new role
A Workflow was executed via API
Contains info about the user, the workflow, and the provider
A Workflow was created
Contains info about the user, the workflow, the privacy, the provider, and the connection
A Workflow was deleted
Contains info about the user, the deleted workflow, the privacy, the provider, and the connection
A Workflow was duplicated
Contains info about the user, the workflow, the privacy, the provider, the connection, and the new duplicated workflow ID
A Workflow was successfully executed
Contains the user, the workflow, and very specific compehensive details about the workflow components used and their results
A Builder map was created from a Workflow results table
Contains info about the user, the workflow, and the workflow component from where the map was crreated
A Workflow sharing/privacy settings were updated
Contains info about the user, the workflow, the original privacy, and the new privacy
A Workflow was executed via UI
Contains info about the user, the workflow, the provider, and the components used
A Workflow was disabled to be called from an API endpoint
Contains info about the user and the workflow
A Workflow was enabled to be called from an API endpoint
Contains info about the user and the workflow
A Workflow extension was installed for the organization
Contains info about the user and the installed extension name, author, and provider
A Workflow extension was uninstalled from the organization
Contains info about the user and the uninstalled extension name, author, and provider
A Workflow was scheduled to run at a certain period
Contains info about the user, the provider, and the workflow
The schedule of a Workflow was deleted
Contains info about the user, the provider, and the workflow
The schedule of a Workflow was updated
Contains info about the user, the provider, and the workflow
A data file was removed from a Workflow
Contains info about the user, the workflow, and the deleted file
A data file was imported into a Workflow
Contains info about the user, the workflow, and the deleted file
A user copied the results of a Workflow
Contains info about the user and the workflow
A user changed the page size browsing the results of a Workflow
Contains info about the user, the workflow, and the new pagination length
A user used the pagination while browsing the results of a Workflow
Contains info about the user and the workflow
A user exported a Workflow as a SQL file
Contains info about the user and the workflow
Someone created a workflow from a template
Contains info about the user, the connection provider, and the template title
Someone explored a Workflow template
Contains info about the user
A variable was added to a Workflow
Contains info about the user, the workflow, and the variable type
A variable was used in a Workflow
Contains info about the user, the workflow, and the component where the variable was used
A Workflow was updated
Contains info about the user, the privacy, the connection, and the provider used
Someone used the "Zoom to layer" function in a CARTO Builder map
Contains info about the user and the map
API Usage
A daily aggregation by user, API and component of your API usage, used to calculate your Usage Quota.
timestamp of the usage (daily)
User that produced the usage. Public means an unauthenticated user (eg: a public Builder map)
A combination of API + method + client.
The amount of API requests for that day, user and metric. Multiply by the weight in quota_usage_weight to obtain the usage quota consumed for that row
User List
A relationship between the ID and the email of all the current users in your organization, as well as their role and group membership.
Some events in the Activity Logs may contain a userId called public.
That user won't be present in this list, and it means that we weren't able to attribute the event to any known user. That happens, for example, in public maps available to anyone in the internet, or in custom applications that use your own login system.
Unique user identifier. The first part contains information about the authentication method:
- auth0|xxx
-> User/password
- google-oauth|xxx
-> Google sign-in
- saml-ACME|xxx
(or similar) -> ACME SSO
User email
Date and time of the user creation
Current role of the user. Possible values: - Admin - Editor - Viewer
Group List
A relationship between the ID and the name of all the current groups in your organization
Last updated
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