
Please be informed that our support services are exclusively provided for versions of our product that are less than one year old. It is crucial for the optimal performance, security, and functionality of our software that users maintain up-to-date installations.

We kindly request all users to ensure that their installations are running an updated version. By doing so, you not only ensure access to our support services but also benefit from the latest features, bug fixes, and security enhancements that come with each update.

Download customer package

Once a new release is available, you will need to download the latest customer package.

Clone the CARTO Self-Hosted github repo:

git clone https://github.com/CartoDB/carto-selfhosted.git
cd carto-selfhosted

Checkout to the latest stable release:

git checkout tags/2025.2.13

You should Install the following packages on your machine:yq, jq and gcloud.

Run the script passing the following arguments:



Directory containing the existing customer package files.


Carto selfhosted installation mode. Possible values for mode are docker (Single VM deployment) and k8s(Orchestrated container deployment)

./tools/carto-download-customer-package.sh -d /tmp/carto -s docker

Example output (using docker mode):

ℹ️ selfhosted mode: docker
✅ found: /tmp/carto/carto-values.yaml
✅ found: /tmp/carto/carto-secrets.yaml
✅ activating: service account credentials for: [serv-onp-xxx@carto-tnt-onp-xxx.iam.gserviceaccount.com]
Copying gs://carto-tnt-onp-xxx-client-storage/customer-package/carto-selfhosted-docker-customer-package-xxx-2023-6-16.zip...
/ [1 files][  2.6 KiB/  2.6 KiB]
Operation completed over 1 objects/2.6 KiB.
✅ downloading: carto-selfhosted-docker-customer-package-xxx-2023-6-16.zip

Current selfhosted version in [carto-values.yaml]: 2023.6.16
Latest selfhosted version downloaded: 2023-6-16
Downloaded file: carto-selfhosted-docker-customer-package-xxx-2023-6-16.zip
Downloaded from: gs://carto-tnt-onp-xxx-client-storage/customer-package/carto-selfhosted-docker-customer-package-xxx-2023-6-16.zip

✅ finished [0]

Single VM deployment

Follow the steps below if you're using a single VM deployment with Docker Compose.

To update your CARTO Self-hosted to the newest version you will need to run the following commands:

1) Checkout to the latest stable release you want to update:

cd carto-selfhosted
git fetch
git checkout tags/2025.2.13

2) Save a backup copy of your current customer.env:

mv customer.env customer.env.bak

3) Download the latest customer package (containing customer.env and key.json files):

./tools/carto-download-customer-package.sh -d . -s docker

4) Open side by side customer.env and customer.env.bak and apply the customizations from customer.env.bak in the new customer.env

Generate the .env file

bash install.sh

Recreate the containers:

docker-compose up -d

Last updated

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