Migrating CARTO Self-Hosted installation to an external database

This guide outlines the steps to migrate the internal database of a CARTO Self-Hosted installation to an external database. By following these steps, you can seamlessly transition your CARTO workspace to a new database environment.


Before starting the migration process, ensure that you have the following:

  • Access to the CARTO Self-Hosted installation

  • Credentials for the external database (hostname, port, username, password)

How to perform the migration to an external database

Step 1: Dump the Container Database

Use the following command to create a dump of the internal database:

Run the following command from the installation folder:

docker-compose exec workspace-postgres pg_dump -U postgres -d workspace > dump.sql

This command exports the database structure and data to a SQL file named dump.sql

Step 2: Create Workspace Admin User in External Database

Run the following command to create the necessary user in the new external database:

CREATE USER workspace_admin with encrypted password '<password>';

Step 3: Create Database in External Database

Execute the following commands to create the database in the external database:

CREATE DATABASE workspace OWNER workspace_admin;

Step 4: Restore the Dump

Restore the dumped data into the new external database. If you have access to the external database using psql you can directly restore the database using the following command:

psql -h <external_db_host> -p <external_db_port> -U workspace_admin -d workspace -f dump.sql

You have successfully migrated your CARTO Self-Hosted installation to an external database! 🎉 Ensure that you update your CARTO configuration files to reflect the changes in the database connection details. You can find more information about how to connect your Self-Hosted installation to an external database in our quickstart guides.

Last updated

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